Source code for fontbakery.commands.check_profile

#!/usr/bin/env python
# usage:
# $ fontbakery check-profile fontbakery.profiles.googlefonts -h
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
from importlib import import_module
import os
import sys

from fontbakery.checkrunner import (
from fontbakery.status import (
from fontbakery.configuration import Configuration
from fontbakery.profile import Profile, get_module_profile

from fontbakery.errors import ValueValidationError
from fontbakery.multiproc import multiprocessing_runner
from fontbakery.reporters.terminal import TerminalReporter
from fontbakery.reporters.serialize import SerializeReporter
from fontbakery.reporters.badge import BadgeReporter
from fontbakery.reporters.ghmarkdown import GHMarkdownReporter
from fontbakery.reporters.html import HTMLReporter
from fontbakery.utils import get_theme

log_levels = OrderedDict(
    (, s) for s in sorted((DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, SKIP, PASS, FAIL))


[docs]class AddReporterAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs): self.cls = kwargs["cls"] del kwargs["cls"] super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): if not hasattr(namespace, "reporters"): namespace.reporters = [] namespace.reporters.append((self.cls, values))
[docs]def ArgumentParser(profile, profile_arg=True): argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Check TTF files against a profile.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) if profile_arg: argument_parser.add_argument( "profile", help="File/Module name, must define an fontbakery 'profile'." ) values_keys = profile.setup_argparse(argument_parser) argument_parser.add_argument( "--configuration", dest="configfile", help="Read configuration file (TOML/YAML).\n", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-c", "--checkid", action="append", help=( "Explicit check-ids (or parts of their name) to be executed.\n" "Use this option multiple times to select multiple checks." ), ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-x", "--exclude-checkid", action="append", help=( "Exclude check-ids (or parts of their name) from execution.\n" "Use this option multiple times to exclude multiple checks." ), ) valid_keys = ", ".join(log_levels.keys()) def log_levels_get(key): if key in log_levels: return log_levels[key] raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Key "{key}" must be one of: {valid_keys}.') argument_parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevels", const=PASS, action="append_const", help="Shortcut for '-l PASS'.\n", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-l", "--loglevel", dest="loglevels", type=log_levels_get, action="append", metavar="LOGLEVEL", help=f"Report checks with a result of this status or higher.\n" f"One of: {valid_keys}.\n" f"(default: {})", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-m", "--loglevel-messages", default=None, type=log_levels_get, help=f"Report log messages of this status or higher.\n" f"Messages are all status lines within a check.\n" f"One of: {valid_keys}.\n" f"(default: LOGLEVEL)", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--succinct", action="store_true", help="This is a slightly more compact and succint output layout.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-n", "--no-progress", default=False, action="store_true", help="Suppress the progress indicators in the console output.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-C", "--no-colors", default=False, action="store_true", help="Suppress the coloring theme in the console output.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-S", "--show-sections", default=False, action="store_true", help="Show section summaries.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-L", "--list-checks", default=False, action="store_true", help="List the checks available in the selected profile.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-F", "--full-lists", default=False, action="store_true", help="Do not shorten lists of items.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--dark-theme", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use a color theme with dark colors.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--light-theme", default=False, action="store_true", help="Use a color theme with light colors.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--timeout", default=10, type=int, help="Timeout (in seconds) for network operations.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--json", default=False, action=AddReporterAction, cls=SerializeReporter, metavar="JSON_FILE", help="Write a json formatted report to JSON_FILE.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--badges", default=False, action=AddReporterAction, cls=BadgeReporter, metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Write a set of badge files to DIRECTORY.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--ghmarkdown", default=False, action=AddReporterAction, cls=GHMarkdownReporter, metavar="MD_FILE", help="Write a GitHub-Markdown formatted report to MD_FILE.", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "--html", default=False, action=AddReporterAction, cls=HTMLReporter, metavar="HTML_FILE", help="Write a HTML report to HTML_FILE.", ) iterargs = sorted(profile.iterargs.keys()) gather_by_choices = iterargs + ["*check"] comma_separated = ", ".join(gather_by_choices) argument_parser.add_argument( "-g", "--gather-by", default=None, metavar="ITERATED_ARG", choices=gather_by_choices, type=str, help=f"Optional: collect results by ITERATED_ARG\n" f"In terminal output: create a summary counter for each ITERATED_ARG.\n" f"In json output: structure the document by ITERATED_ARG.\n" f"One of: {comma_separated}", ) def parse_order(arg): order = list(filter(len, [n.strip() for n in arg.split(",")])) return order or None comma_separated = ", ".join(iterargs) argument_parser.add_argument( "-o", "--order", default=None, type=parse_order, help=f"Comma separated list of order arguments.\n" f"The execution order is determined by the order of the check\n" f"definitions and by the order of the iterable arguments.\n" f"A section defines its own order. `--order` can be used to\n" f"override the order of *all* sections.\n" f"Despite the ITERATED_ARGS there are two special\n" f"values available:\n" f'"*iterargs" -- all remainig ITERATED_ARGS\n' f'"*check" -- order by check\n' f"ITERATED_ARGS: {comma_separated}\n" f'A sections default is equivalent to: "*iterargs, *check".\n' f'A common use case is `-o "*check"` when checking the whole \n' f"collection against a selection of checks picked with `--checkid`.", ) def positive_int(value): int_value = int(value) if int_value < 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( f'Invalid value "{value}" must be' f" zero or a positive integer value." ) return int_value argument_parser.add_argument( "-J", "--jobs", default=0, type=positive_int, metavar="JOBS", dest="multiprocessing", help=f"Use multi-processing to run the checks. The argument is the number\n" f"of worker processes. A sensible number is the cpu count of your\n" f"system, detected: {os.cpu_count()}." f" As an automated shortcut see -j/--auto-jobs.\n" f"Use 0 to run in single-processing mode (default %(default)s).", ) argument_parser.add_argument( "-j", "--auto-jobs", const=os.cpu_count(), action="store_const", dest="multiprocessing", help="Use the auto detected cpu count (= %(const)s)" " as number of worker processes\n" "in multi-processing. This is equivalent to : `--jobs %(const)s`", ) return argument_parser, values_keys
[docs]class ArgumentParserError(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_module(name): if os.path.isfile(name): # This name could also be the name of a module, but if there's a # file that we can load the file will win. Otherwise, it's still # possible to change the directory imported = get_module_from_file(name) else: # Fails with an appropriate ImportError. imported = import_module(name, package=None) return imported
[docs]def get_profile(): """Prefetch the profile module, to fill some holes in the help text.""" argument_parser, _ = ArgumentParser(Profile(), profile_arg=True) # monkey patching will do here def error(message): raise ArgumentParserError(message) argument_parser.error = error try: args, _ = argument_parser.parse_known_args() except ArgumentParserError: # silently fails, the main parser will show usage string. return Profile() imported = get_module(args.profile) profile = get_module_profile(imported) if not profile: raise Exception(f"Can't get a profile from {imported}.") return profile
[docs]def main(profile=None, values=None): # profile can be injected by e.g. check-googlefonts injects it's own profile add_profile_arg = False if profile is None: profile = get_profile() add_profile_arg = True argument_parser, values_keys = ArgumentParser(profile, profile_arg=add_profile_arg) try: args = argument_parser.parse_args() except ValueValidationError as e: print(e) argument_parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) theme = get_theme(args) # the most verbose loglevel wins loglevel = min(args.loglevels) if args.loglevels else DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL if args.list_checks: list_checks(profile, theme, verbose=loglevel > DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL) values_ = {} if values is not None: values_.update(values) # values_keys are returned by profile.setup_argparse # these are keys for custom arguments required by the profile. if values_keys: for key in values_keys: if hasattr(args, key): values_[key] = getattr(args, key) if args.configfile: configuration = Configuration.from_config_file(args.configfile) else: configuration = Configuration() # Since version 0.8.10, we established a convention of never using a dash/hyphen # on check IDs. The existing ones were replaced by underscores. # All new checks will use underscores when needed. # Here we accept dashes to ensure backwards compatibility with the older # check IDs that may still be referenced on scripts of our users. explicit_checks = None exclude_checks = None if args.checkid: explicit_checks = [c.replace("-", "_") for c in list(args.checkid)] if args.exclude_checkid: exclude_checks = [x.replace("-", "_") for x in list(args.exclude_checkid)] # Command line args overrides config, but only if given configuration.maybe_override( Configuration( custom_order=args.order, explicit_checks=explicit_checks, exclude_checks=exclude_checks, full_lists=args.full_lists, ) ) runner_kwds = {"values": values_, "config": configuration} try: runner = CheckRunner(profile, **runner_kwds) except ValueValidationError as e: print(e) argument_parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) is_async = args.multiprocessing != 0 tr = TerminalReporter( runner=runner, is_async=is_async, print_progress=not args.no_progress, succinct=args.succinct, check_threshold=loglevel, log_threshold=args.loglevel_messages or loglevel, theme=theme, collect_results_by=args.gather_by, skip_status_report=None if args.show_sections else (SECTIONSUMMARY,), ) reporters = [tr] if "reporters" not in args: args.reporters = [] for reporter_class, output_file in args.reporters: reporters.append( reporter_class( loglevels=args.loglevels, runner=runner, succinct=args.succinct, collect_results_by=args.gather_by, output_file=output_file, ) ) if args.multiprocessing == 0: status_generator = else: status_generator = multiprocessing_runner( args.multiprocessing, runner, runner_kwds ) distribute_generator(status_generator, [reporter.receive for reporter in reporters]) for reporter in reporters: reporter.write() # Fail and error let the command fail return 1 if tr.worst_check_status in (ERROR, FAIL) else 0
[docs]def list_checks(profile, theme, verbose=False): if verbose: for section in profile._sections.values(): print(theme["list-checks: section"]("\nSection:") + " " + for check in section._checks: print( theme["list-checks: check-id"]( + "\n" + theme["list-checks: description"](f'"{check.description}"') + "\n" ) else: for _, section in profile._sections.items(): for check in section._checks: print( sys.exit()
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())