Source code for

from fontbakery.callable import check
from fontbakery.status import FAIL, PASS, WARN, INFO, SKIP
from fontbakery.message import Message
from fontbakery.constants import (

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

profile_imports = [(".shared_conditions", ("glyph_metrics_stats", "is_ttf", "is_cff"))]

[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/name/empty_records", rationale=""" Check the name table for empty records, as this can cause problems in Adobe apps. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_name_empty_records(ttFont): """Check name table for empty records.""" failed = False for name_record in ttFont["name"].names: name_string = name_record.toUnicode().strip() if len(name_string) == 0: failed = True name_key = tuple( [ name_record.platformID, name_record.platEncID, name_record.langID, name_record.nameID, ] ) yield FAIL, Message( "empty-record", f'"name" table record with key={name_key} is' f" empty and should be removed.", ) if not failed: yield PASS, ("No empty name table records found.")
[docs]def PANOSE_is_monospaced(panose): # from fontbakery.constants import ( PANOSE_Family_Type, PANOSE_Proportion, PANOSE_Spacing, ) if panose.bFamilyType == PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_TEXT: return panose.bProportion == PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED if panose.bFamilyType in [ PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_HAND_WRITTEN, PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_SYMBOL, ]: return panose.bSpacing == PANOSE_Spacing.MONOSPACED # otherwise return False
[docs]def PANOSE_expected(family_type): # from fontbakery.constants import ( PANOSE_Family_Type, PANOSE_Proportion, PANOSE_Spacing, ) if family_type == PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_TEXT: return ( f"Please set PANOSE Proportion to" f" {PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED} (monospaced)" ) if family_type in [ PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_HAND_WRITTEN, PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_SYMBOL, ]: return f"Please set PANOSE Spacing to {PANOSE_Spacing.MONOSPACED} (monospaced)" if family_type == PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_SYMBOL: return ( f"PANOSE Family Type is set to 4 (latin symbol)." f" Please set it instead to {PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_TEXT} (latin text)," f" {PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_HAND_WRITTEN} (latin hand written)" f" or {PANOSE_Family_Type.LATIN_SYMBOL} (latin symbol)" ) # Otherwise: # I can't even suggest what to do # if it is that much broken! return f"Note: Family Type is set to {family_type}, which does not seem right."
[docs]@check( id="", conditions=["glyph_metrics_stats", "is_ttf"], rationale=""" There are various metadata in the OpenType spec to specify if a font is monospaced or not. If the font is not truly monospaced, then no monospaced metadata should be set (as sometimes they mistakenly are...) Requirements for monospace fonts: * post.isFixedPitch - "Set to 0 if the font is proportionally spaced, non-zero if the font is not proportionally spaced (monospaced)" ( * hhea.advanceWidthMax must be correct, meaning no glyph's width value is greater. ( * OS/2.panose.bProportion must be set to 9 (monospace) on latin text fonts. * OS/2.panose.bSpacing must be set to 3 (monospace) on latin hand written or latin symbol fonts. * Spec says: "The PANOSE definition contains ten digits each of which currently describes up to sixteen variations. Windows uses bFamilyType, bSerifStyle and bProportion in the font mapper to determine family type. It also uses bProportion to determine if the font is monospaced." ( * OS/2.xAvgCharWidth must be set accurately. "OS/2.xAvgCharWidth is used when rendering monospaced fonts, at least by Windows GDI" ( Also we should report an error for glyphs not of average width. Please also note: Thomas Phinney told us that a few years ago (as of December 2019), if you gave a font a monospace flag in Panose, Microsoft Word would ignore the actual advance widths and treat it as monospaced. Source: """, proposal="legacy:check/033", ) def com_google_fonts_check_monospace(ttFont, glyph_metrics_stats): """Checking correctness of monospaced metadata.""" from fontbakery.constants import IsFixedWidth, PANOSE_Proportion # Check for missing tables before indexing them missing_tables = False required = ["glyf", "hhea", "hmtx", "OS/2", "post"] for key in required: if key not in ttFont: missing_tables = True yield FAIL, Message("lacks-table", f"Font lacks '{key}' table.") if missing_tables: return passed = True # Note: These values are read from the dict here only to # reduce the max line length in the check implementation below: seems_monospaced = glyph_metrics_stats["seems_monospaced"] most_common_width = glyph_metrics_stats["most_common_width"] width_max = glyph_metrics_stats["width_max"] if ttFont["hhea"].advanceWidthMax != width_max: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "bad-advanceWidthMax", f"Value of hhea.advanceWidthMax" f" should be set to {width_max}" f" but got {ttFont['hhea'].advanceWidthMax} instead.", ) if seems_monospaced: number_of_h_metrics = ttFont["hhea"].numberOfHMetrics if number_of_h_metrics != 3: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "bad-numberOfHMetrics", f"The OpenType spec recomments at" f"en-us/typography/opentype/spec/recom#hhea-table" f" that hhea.numberOfHMetrics be set to 3" f" but this font has {number_of_h_metrics} instead.\n" f"Please read" f" to decide whether this makes sense for your font.", ) if not PANOSE_is_monospaced(ttFont["OS/2"].panose): passed = False family_type = ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bFamilyType yield FAIL, Message( "mono-bad-panose", f"The PANOSE numbers are incorrect for a monospaced font. " f"{PANOSE_expected(family_type)}", ) num_glyphs = len(ttFont["glyf"].glyphs) unusually_spaced_glyphs = [ g for g in ttFont["glyf"].glyphs if g not in [".notdef", ".null", "NULL"] and ttFont["hmtx"].metrics[g][0] != 0 and ttFont["hmtx"].metrics[g][0] != most_common_width ] outliers_ratio = float(len(unusually_spaced_glyphs)) / num_glyphs if outliers_ratio > 0: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "mono-outliers", f"Font is monospaced" f" but {len(unusually_spaced_glyphs)} glyphs" f" ({100.0 * outliers_ratio:.2f}%)" f" have a different width." f" You should check the widths of:" f" {unusually_spaced_glyphs}", ) elif ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch == IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "mono-bad-post-isFixedPitch", f"On monospaced fonts, the value of post.isFixedPitch" f" must be set to a non-zero value" f" (meaning 'fixed width monospaced')," f" but got {ttFont['post'].isFixedPitch} instead.", ) if passed: yield PASS, Message( "mono-good", "Font is monospaced and all related metadata look good." ) else: # it is a non-monospaced font, so lets make sure # that all monospace-related metadata is properly unset. if ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch != IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "bad-post-isFixedPitch", f"On non-monospaced fonts," f" the post.isFixedPitch value must be set to" f" {IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED} (not monospaced)," f" but got {ttFont['post'].isFixedPitch} instead.", ) if ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion == PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "bad-panose", "On non-monospaced fonts," " the OS/2.panose.bProportion value can be set to" " any value except 9 (proportion: monospaced)" " which is the bad value we got in this font.", ) if passed: yield PASS, Message( "good", "Font is not monospaced and all related metadata look good." )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" The FULL_FONT_NAME entry in the ‘name’ table should start with the same string as the Family Name (FONT_FAMILY_NAME, TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME or WWS_FAMILY_NAME). If the Family Name is not included as the first part of the Full Font Name, and the user embeds the font in a document using a Microsoft Office app, the app will fail to render the font when it opens the document again. NOTE: Up until version 1.5, the OpenType spec included the following exception in the definition of Full Font Name: "An exception to the [above] definition of Full font name is for Microsoft platform strings for CFF OpenType fonts: in this case, the Full font name string must be identical to the PostScript FontName in the CFF Name INDEX." """, proposal="legacy:check/068", ) def com_google_fonts_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont(ttFont): """Does full font name begin with the font family name?""" name_table = ttFont["name"] names_compared = False # Used for knowing if at least one comparison was attempted passed = True # Collect all the unique platformIDs, encodingIDs, and languageIDs # used in the font's name table. platform_ids = set(rec.platformID for rec in name_table.names) encoding_ids = set(rec.platEncID for rec in name_table.names) language_ids = set(rec.langID for rec in name_table.names) # Now iterate over the platform/encoding/languageID sets and compare # the full name and family name strings. # The full name string is always taken from nameID 4, but # the family name string can come from nameIDs 1, 16, or 21. # We'll compare all of the ones contained in the font. full_name_id = NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME for plat_id in sorted(platform_ids): for enc_id in sorted(encoding_ids): for lang_id in sorted(language_ids): # Check if the full name record exists if name_table.getName(full_name_id, plat_id, enc_id, lang_id) is None: # The full_name_id wasn't found. No point in going further continue # Iterate over all possible family name records for family_name_id in ( NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME, NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME, NameID.WWS_FAMILY_NAME, ): if ( name_table.getName(family_name_id, plat_id, enc_id, lang_id) is None ): # The family_name_id wasn't found. Move on to the next continue names_compared = True # Yay! At least one comparison will be made!! decode_error_msg_prefix = ( f"On the 'name' table, the name record" f" for platformID {plat_id}," f" encodingID {enc_id}," f" languageID {lang_id}({lang_id:04X})," ) try: family_name = name_table.getName( family_name_id, plat_id, enc_id, lang_id ).toUnicode() except UnicodeDecodeError: yield FAIL, Message( f"cannot-decode-nameid-{family_name_id}", f"{decode_error_msg_prefix} and nameID {family_name_id}" " failed to be decoded.", ) passed = False continue try: full_name = name_table.getName( full_name_id, plat_id, enc_id, lang_id ).toUnicode() except UnicodeDecodeError: yield FAIL, Message( f"cannot-decode-nameid-{full_name_id}", f"{decode_error_msg_prefix} and nameID {full_name_id}" " failed to be decoded.", ) passed = False continue if not full_name.startswith(family_name): yield FAIL, Message( "mismatch-font-names", f"On the 'name' table, the full font name {full_name!r}" f" does not begin with the font family name {family_name!r}" f" in platformID {plat_id}," f" encodingID {enc_id}," f" languageID {lang_id}({lang_id:04X})," f" and nameID {family_name_id}.", ) passed = False if not names_compared: yield FAIL, Message( "missing-font-names", f"The font's 'name' table lacks a pair of records with" f" nameID {NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME} (Full name)," f" and at least one of" f" nameID {NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME} (Font Family name)," f" {NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME} (Typographic Family name)," f" or {NameID.WWS_FAMILY_NAME} (WWS Family name).", ) elif passed: yield PASS, "Full font name begins with the font family name."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/postscript_name", proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_postscript_name(ttFont): """PostScript name follows OpenType specification requirements?""" import re from fontbakery.utils import get_name_entry_strings bad_entries = [] # <Postscript name> may contain only a-zA-Z0-9 # and one hyphen bad_psname = re.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9-]") for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME): if bad_entries.append( { "field": "PostScript Name", "value": string, "rec": ("May contain only a-zA-Z0-9 characters and a hyphen."), } ) if string.count("-") > 1: bad_entries.append( { "field": "Postscript Name", "value": string, "rec": ("May contain not more than a single hyphen."), } ) if len(bad_entries) > 0: table = "| Field | Value | Recommendation |\n" table += "|:----- |:----- |:-------------- |\n" for bad in bad_entries: table += "| {} | {} | {} |\n".format(bad["field"], bad["value"], bad["rec"]) yield FAIL, Message( "bad-psname-entries", f"PostScript name does not follow requirements:\n\n{table}", ) else: yield PASS, Message("psname-ok", "PostScript name follows requirements.")
[docs]@check( id="", proposal="legacy:check/071", ) def com_google_fonts_check_family_naming_recommendations(ttFont): """Font follows the family naming recommendations?""" # See from fontbakery.utils import get_name_entry_strings bad_entries = [] for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME): if len(string) >= 64: bad_entries.append( { "field": "Full Font Name", "value": string, "rec": "exceeds max length (63)", } ) for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME): if len(string) >= 64: bad_entries.append( { "field": "PostScript Name", "value": string, "rec": "exceeds max length (63)", } ) for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME): if len(string) >= 32: bad_entries.append( { "field": "Family Name", "value": string, "rec": "exceeds max length (31)", } ) for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME): if len(string) >= 32: bad_entries.append( { "field": "Style Name", "value": string, "rec": "exceeds max length (31)", } ) for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME): if len(string) >= 32: bad_entries.append( { "field": "OT Family Name", "value": string, "rec": "exceeds max length (31)", } ) for string in get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME): if len(string) >= 32: bad_entries.append( { "field": "OT Style Name", "value": string, "rec": "exceeds max length (31)", } ) if len(bad_entries) > 0: table = "| Field | Value | Recommendation |\n" table += "|:----- |:----- |:-------------- |\n" for bad in bad_entries: table += "| {} | {} | {} |\n".format(bad["field"], bad["value"], bad["rec"]) yield INFO, Message( "bad-entries", f"Font does not follow " f"some family naming recommendations:\n" f"\n" f"{table}", ) else: yield PASS, "Font follows the family naming recommendations."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/name/postscript_vs_cff", conditions=["is_cff"], rationale=""" The PostScript name entries in the font's 'name' table should match the FontName string in the 'CFF ' table. The 'CFF ' table has a lot of information that is duplicated in other tables. This information should be consistent across tables, because there's no guarantee which table an app will get the data from. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_vs_cff(ttFont): """CFF table FontName must match name table ID 6 (PostScript name).""" cff_names = ttFont["CFF "].cff.fontNames if len(cff_names) != 1: yield FAIL, Message( "cff-name-error", "Unexpected number of font names in CFF table." ) return passed = True cff_name = cff_names[0] for entry in ttFont["name"].names: if entry.nameID == NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME: postscript_name = entry.toUnicode() if postscript_name != cff_name: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "ps-cff-name-mismatch", f"Name table PostScript name '{postscript_name}' " f"does not match CFF table FontName '{cff_name}'.", ) if passed: yield PASS, ("Name table PostScript name matches CFF table FontName.")
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/name/postscript_name_consistency", conditions=["not is_cff"], # e.g. TTF or CFF2 rationale=""" The PostScript name entries in the font's 'name' table should be consistent across platforms. This is the TTF/CFF2 equivalent of the CFF 'name/postscript_vs_cff' check. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_name_consistency(ttFont): """Name table ID 6 (PostScript name) must be consistent across platforms.""" postscript_names = set() for entry in ttFont["name"].names: if entry.nameID == NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME: postscript_name = entry.toUnicode() postscript_names.add(postscript_name) if len(postscript_names) > 1: yield FAIL, Message( "inconsistency", f'Entries in the "name" table for ID 6' f" (PostScript name) are not consistent." f" Names found: {sorted(postscript_names)}.", ) else: yield PASS, ( 'Entries in the "name" table for ID 6 (PostScript name) are consistent.' )
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/family/max_4_fonts_per_family_name", rationale=""" Per the OpenType spec: 'The Font Family name [...] should be shared among at most four fonts that differ only in weight or style [...]' """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_family_max_4_fonts_per_family_name(ttFonts): """Verify that each group of fonts with the same nameID 1 has maximum of 4 fonts.""" from collections import Counter from fontbakery.utils import get_name_entry_strings family_names = [] for ttFont in ttFonts: names_list = get_name_entry_strings( ttFont, NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME, PlatformID.WINDOWS, WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, WindowsLanguageID.ENGLISH_USA, ) # names_list may contain multiple entries. # We use set() below to remove the duplicates and only store # the unique family name(s) used for a given font names_set = set(names_list) family_names.extend(names_set) passed = True counter = Counter(family_names) for family_name, count in counter.items(): if count > 4: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "too-many", f"Family '{family_name}' has {count} fonts" f" (should be 4 or fewer).", ) if passed: yield PASS, ("There were no more than 4 fonts per family name.")
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/family/consistent_family_name", rationale=""" Per the OpenType spec: * "...many existing applications that use this pair of names assume that a Font Family name is shared by at most four fonts that form a font style-linking group" * "For extended typographic families that includes fonts other than the four basic styles(regular, italic, bold, bold italic), it is strongly recommended that name IDs 16 and 17 be used in fonts to create an extended, typographic grouping." * "If name ID 16 is absent, then name ID 1 is considered to be the typographic family name." Fonts within a font family all must have consistent names in the Typographic Family name (nameID 16) or Font Family name (nameID 1), depending on which it uses. Inconsistent font/typographic family names across fonts in a family can result in unexpected behaviors, such as broken style linking. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_consistent_font_family_name(ttFonts): """ Verify that family names in the name table are consistent across all fonts in the family. Checks Typographic Family name (nameID 16) if present, otherwise uses Font Family name (nameID 1) """ from fontbakery.utils import get_name_entry_strings from collections import defaultdict import os name_dict = defaultdict(list) for ttFont in ttFonts: filename = os.path.basename( # try nameID 16 nameID = NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME names_list = get_name_entry_strings( ttFont, NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME, PlatformID.WINDOWS, WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, WindowsLanguageID.ENGLISH_USA, ) if len(names_list) == 0: # use nameID 1 instead nameID = NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME names_list = get_name_entry_strings( ttFont, NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME, PlatformID.WINDOWS, WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, WindowsLanguageID.ENGLISH_USA, ) name_dict[frozenset(names_list)].append((filename, nameID)) if len(name_dict) > 1: detail_str_arr = [] indent = "\n - " for name_set, font_tuple_list in name_dict.items(): detail_str = f"\n\n* '{next(iter(name_set), '')}' was found in:" fonts_str_arr = [] for ft in font_tuple_list: fonts_str_arr.append(f"{ft[0]} (nameID {ft[1]})") detail_str_arr.append(f"{detail_str}{indent}{indent.join(fonts_str_arr)}") msg = ( f"{len(name_dict)} different Font Family names were found:" f"{''.join(detail_str_arr)}" ) yield FAIL, Message("inconsistent-family-name", msg) else: yield PASS, ("Font family names are consistent across the family.")
[docs]@check( id="", conditions=["style"], rationale=""" This check ensures that several entries in the name table conform to the font's Upright or Italic style, namely IDs 1 & 2 as well as 16 & 17 if they're present. """, proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_name_italic_names(ttFont, style): """Check name table IDs 1, 2, 16, 17 to conform to Italic style.""" def get_name(nameID): for entry in ttFont["name"].names: if entry.nameID == nameID: return entry.toUnicode() if "Italic" not in style: yield SKIP, ("Font is not Italic.") else: passed = True # Name ID 1 (Family Name) if "Italic" in get_name(NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME): yield FAIL, Message( "bad-familyname", "Name ID 1 (Family Name) must not contain 'Italic'." ) passed = False # Name ID 2 (Subfamily Name) subfamily_name = get_name(NameID.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME) if subfamily_name not in ("Italic", "Bold Italic"): yield FAIL, Message( "bad-subfamilyname", "Name ID 2 (Subfamily Name) does not conform to specs." " Only R/I/B/BI are allowed.\n" f"Got: '{subfamily_name}'.", ) passed = False # Name ID 16 (Typographic Family Name) if get_name(NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME): if "Italic" in get_name(NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME): yield FAIL, Message( "bad-typographicfamilyname", "Name ID 16 (Typographic Family Name) must not contain 'Italic'.", ) passed = False # Name ID 17 (Typographic Subfamily Name) if get_name(NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME): if not get_name(NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME).endswith("Italic"): yield FAIL, Message( "bad-typographicsubfamilyname", "Name ID 17 (Typographic Subfamily Name) must contain 'Italic'.", ) passed = False if passed: yield PASS, ("All font names are good for Italic fonts.")