Source code for fontbakery.reporters.ghmarkdown

import os

from fontbakery.reporters.serialize import SerializeReporter
from fontbakery.utils import html5_collapsible
from fontbakery import __version__ as version


[docs]class GHMarkdownReporter(SerializeReporter):
[docs] def write(self): with open(self.output_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as fh: fh.write(self.get_markdown()) print( f"A report in GitHub Markdown format which can be useful\n" f" for posting issues on a GitHub issue tracker has been\n" f' saved to "{self.output_file}"' )
[docs] @staticmethod def emoticon(name): return { "ERROR": "\U0001F494", # 💔 :broken_heart: "FAIL": "\U0001F525", # 🔥 :fire: "WARN": "\U000026A0", # ⚠️ :warning: "INFO": "\U00002139", # ℹ️ :information_source: "SKIP": "\U0001F4A4", # 💤 :zzz: "PASS": "\U0001F35E", # 🍞 :bread "DEBUG": "\U0001F50E", # 🔎 :mag_right: }[name]
[docs] def log_md(self, log): if not self.omit_loglevel(log["status"]): return "* {} **{}** {}\n".format( self.emoticon(log["status"]), log["status"], log["message"] ) else: return ""
[docs] def render_rationale(self, check, checkid): if self.succinct or "rationale" not in check: return "" from fontbakery.utils import unindent_and_unwrap_rationale content = unindent_and_unwrap_rationale(check["rationale"], checkid) return "\n".join([">" + line for line in content.split("\n")])
[docs] def check_md(self, check): checkid = check["key"][1].split(":")[1].split(">")[0] profile = check["profile"] check["logs"].sort(key=lambda c: c["status"]) logs = "".join(map(self.log_md, check["logs"])) github_search_url = ( '<a href="' f'/fontbakery/profiles/{profile}.html#{checkid}">' f"{checkid}</a>" ) rationale = self.render_rationale(check, checkid) return html5_collapsible( "{} <b>{}:</b> {} ({})".format( self.emoticon(check["result"]), check["result"], check["description"], github_search_url, ), f"\n\n{rationale}\n{logs}", )
[docs] @staticmethod def deduce_profile_from_section_name(section): # This is very hacky! # We should have a much better way of doing it... if "Google Fonts" in section: return "googlefonts" if "Adobe" in section: return "adobefonts" if "Font Bureau" in section: return "fontbureau" if "Universal" in section: return "universal" if "Basic UFO checks" in section: return "ufo_sources" if "Checks inherited from Microsoft Font Validator" in section: return "fontval" if "fontbakery.profiles." in section: return section.split("fontbakery.profiles.")[1].split(">")[0] return section
[docs] @staticmethod def result_is_all_same(cluster): first_check = cluster[0] return all(check["logs"] == first_check["logs"] for check in cluster[1:])
[docs] def get_markdown(self): checks = {} family_checks = [] experimental_checks = [] data = self.getdoc() num_checks = 0 for section in data["sections"]: for cluster in section["checks"]: if not isinstance(cluster, list): cluster = [cluster] num_checks += len(cluster) if len(cluster) > 1 and self.result_is_all_same(cluster): # Pretend it's a family check cluster = [cluster[0]] del cluster[0]["filename"] for check in cluster: if self.omit_loglevel(check["result"]): continue check["profile"] = self.deduce_profile_from_section_name( section["key"][0] ) if "experimental" in check: # These will be reported separately experimental_checks.append(check) elif "filename" not in check.keys(): # That's a family check! family_checks.append(check) else: key = os.path.basename(check["filename"]) if key not in checks: checks[key] = [] checks[key].append(check) md = f"## FontBakery report\n\nfontbakery version: {version}\n\n" if experimental_checks: experimental_checks.sort(key=lambda c: c["result"]) md += html5_collapsible( "<b>[{}] Experimental checks</b>".format(len(experimental_checks)), "".join(map(self.check_md, experimental_checks)) + "<br>", ) if family_checks: family_checks.sort(key=lambda c: c["result"]) md += html5_collapsible( "<b>[{}] Family checks</b>".format(len(family_checks)), "".join(map(self.check_md, family_checks)) + "<br>", ) for filename in checks.keys(): checks[filename].sort(key=lambda c: LOGLEVELS.index(c["result"])) md += html5_collapsible( "<b>[{}] {}</b>".format(len(checks[filename]), filename), "".join(map(self.check_md, checks[filename])) + "<br>", ) if num_checks != 0: summary_table = ( "\n### Summary\n\n" + ("| {} " + " | {} ".join(LOGLEVELS) + " |\n").format( *[self.emoticon(k) for k in LOGLEVELS] ) + ( "|:-----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|\n" "| {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} | {} |\n" "" ).format(*[data["result"][k] for k in LOGLEVELS]) + ( "| {:.0f}% | {:.0f}% | {:.0f}% | {:.0f}% | {:.0f}% | {:.0f}% | {:.0f}% |\n" # noqa:E501 pylint:disable=C0301 "" ).format(*[100 * data["result"][k] / num_checks for k in LOGLEVELS]) ) md += "\n" + summary_table omitted = [loglvl for loglvl in LOGLEVELS if self.omit_loglevel(loglvl)] if omitted: md += ( "\n" + "**Note:** The following loglevels were omitted in this report:\n" + "".join(map("* **{}**\n".format, omitted)) ) return md