Source code for fontbakery.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 The Fontbakery Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import Text, Optional

from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont

from fontbakery.constants import NO_COLORS_THEME, DARK_THEME, LIGHT_THEME

profile_name = None

[docs]def set_profile_name(name): global profile_name # pylint:disable=W0603 (global-statement) profile_name = name
[docs]def exit_with_install_instructions(): sys.exit( f"\nTo run the {profile_name} profile, one needs to install\n" f"fontbakery with the '{profile_name}' extra, like this:\n\n" f" python -m pip install -U 'fontbakery[{profile_name}]'\n\n" )
[docs]def remove_white_space(s): s = s.replace(" ", "") s = s.replace("\t", "") s = s.replace("\n", "") return s
# TODO: this should be part of FontBakeryCheck and check.conditions # should be a tuple (negated, name)
[docs]def is_negated(name): stripped = name.strip() if stripped.startswith("not "): return True, stripped[4:].strip() return False, stripped
[docs]def colorless_len(string): """Returns the lenght of a string without its color prefix""" return len(re.sub("\x1b(\\[[0-9;]+|\\].+)m", "", string))
[docs]def text_flow( content, width=80, indent=0, left_margin=0, right_margin=0, first_line_indent=0, space_padding=False, text_color="{}".format, # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string ): result = [] line_num = 0 for line in content.split("\n"): _indent = indent _width = width - right_margin if line.strip() == "": if space_padding: result.append(" " * _indent + text_color(" " * width)) continue words = line.split(" ") while words: line_num += 1 if line_num == 1: if left_margin > -first_line_indent: inside_indent = " " * (left_margin + first_line_indent) else: inside_indent = "" else: inside_indent = " " * left_margin this_line = inside_indent + words.pop(0) if colorless_len(this_line) > _width: # let's see what we can do to make it fit if "/" in this_line: # here we feed-back chunks of a URL # into words if it overflows the block chunks = this_line.split("/") new_line = chunks.pop(0) while chunks: next_len = ( colorless_len(new_line) + 1 + colorless_len(chunks[0]) ) if next_len >= _width: break new_line += "/" + chunks.pop(0) this_line = new_line words.insert(0, "/" + "/".join(chunks)) else: # not sure what else to do, # so we'll simply cut the long word words.insert(0, this_line[_width:]) # word overflow chunk this_line = this_line[:_width] # line with chopped word leftover while words and ( colorless_len(this_line) + 1 + colorless_len(words[0]) <= _width ): this_line += " " + words.pop(0) if space_padding: # pad the line with spaces to fit the block width: this_line += " " * (width - colorless_len(this_line)) result.append(" " * _indent + text_color(this_line)) return "\n".join(result)
[docs]def get_apple_terminal_bg_color(): """Runs an AppleScript snippet that returns the RGB values of the background color of the active Apple Terminal window.""" line_1 = 'tell application "Terminal"' line_2 = " get background color of selected tab of window 1" line_3 = "end tell" output = ["osascript", "-e", line_1, "-e", line_2, "-e", line_3], text=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, ).stdout return output.strip()
[docs]def apple_terminal_bg_is_white(): """Returns a boolean indicating if the background color of Apple's Terminal is white.""" is_apple_terminal = os.getenv("TERM_PROGRAM") == "Apple_Terminal" if is_apple_terminal: bg_color = get_apple_terminal_bg_color() if bg_color == "65535, 65535, 65535": return True return False
[docs]def get_theme(args): if args.no_colors: return NO_COLORS_THEME if args.light_theme: return LIGHT_THEME if args.dark_theme: return DARK_THEME if sys.platform == "darwin": # Apple's Terminal default profile is called 'Basic' and has a white background. # But the user may have switched to a different profile, or even to a different # terminal app. Default to the light-theme only if we're sure that the terminal # app is Apple's Terminal and its background color is indeed white. return LIGHT_THEME if apple_terminal_bg_is_white() else DARK_THEME # For orther systems like GNU+Linux and Windows, a dark terminal may be more common. return DARK_THEME
[docs]def unindent_and_unwrap_rationale(rationale, checkid=None): """Takes the 'rationale' docstring of a check and removes indents and hard line breaks that were added to long lines.""" content = "" for line in rationale.split("\n"): soft_return = line.endswith("⏎") # U+23CE stripped_line = line.strip() new_paragraph = len(stripped_line) == 0 if new_paragraph: content = content.rstrip() content += "\n\n" else: content += stripped_line if soft_return: content = f"{content[:-1]}\n" else: content += " " return f"\n{content.strip()}\n"
[docs]def html5_collapsible(summary, details) -> str: """Return nestable, collapsible <detail> tag for check grouping and sub-results.""" return f"<details><summary>{summary}</summary><div>{details}</div></details>"
[docs]def split_camel_case(camelcase): chars = [] for i, char in enumerate(camelcase): if char.isupper() and i > 0: chars.append(" ") chars.append(char) return "".join(chars)
[docs]def pretty_print_list(config, values, shorten=10, sep=", ", glue=" and "): if len(values) == 1: return str(values[0]) if config.get("full_lists"): shorten = None if shorten and len(values) > shorten + 2: joined_items_str = sep.join(map(str, values[:shorten])) return ( f"{joined_items_str}{glue}{len(values) - shorten} more.\n" f"\n" f"Use -F or --full-lists to disable shortening of long lists." ) else: joined_items_str = sep.join(map(str, values[:-1])) return f"{joined_items_str}{glue}{str(values[-1])}"
[docs]def bullet_list(config, items, bullet="-", indentation="\t"): return f"{indentation}{bullet} " + pretty_print_list( config, items, sep=f"\n\n{indentation}{bullet} ", glue=f"\n\n{indentation}{bullet} ", )
[docs]def markdown_table(items): """Format a list of dicts into a markdown table. >>> markdown_table( >>> [{"name": "Sam", "age": 30}, {"name": "Ash", "age": 25}] >>> ) ... | name | age | | :--- | :--- | | Sam | 30 | | Ash | 25 | """ res = [] header = "| " + " | ".join(items[0].keys()) + " |" res.append(header) lb = "|" + " :--- |" * len(items[0]) res.append(lb) for row in items: vals = list(row.values()) r = "| " + " | ".join(map(str, vals)) + " |" res.append(r) return "\n".join(res)
[docs]def get_regular(fonts): # TODO: Maybe also support getting a regular instance from a variable font? for font in fonts: if "-Regular.ttf" in font: return font
[docs]def filesize_formatting(s): if s < 1024: return f"{s} bytes" elif s < 1024 * 1024: return f"{s/1024:.1f}kb" else: return f"{s/(1024*1024):.1f}Mb"
[docs]def get_bounding_box(font): """Returns max and min bbox of given truetype font""" ymin = 0 ymax = 0 if font.sfntVersion == "OTTO": ymin = font["head"].yMin ymax = font["head"].yMax else: for g in font["glyf"].glyphs: char = font["glyf"][g] if hasattr(char, "yMin") and ymin > char.yMin: ymin = char.yMin if hasattr(char, "yMax") and ymax < char.yMax: ymax = char.yMax return ymin, ymax
[docs]def get_name_entries(font, nameID, platformID=None, encodingID=None, langID=None): results = [] for entry in font["name"].names: if ( entry.nameID == nameID and (platformID is None or entry.platformID == platformID) and (encodingID is None or entry.platEncID == encodingID) and (langID is None or entry.langID == langID) ): results.append(entry) return results
[docs]def get_name_entry_strings(font, nameID, platformID=None, encodingID=None, langID=None): entries = get_name_entries(font, nameID, platformID, encodingID, langID) return list(map(lambda e: e.string.decode(e.getEncoding()), entries))
[docs]def name_entry_id(name): from fontbakery.constants import NameID, PlatformID return "[{}({}):{}({})]".format( NameID(name.nameID).name, name.nameID, PlatformID(name.platformID).name, name.platformID, ) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
[docs]def get_glyph_name(font: TTFont, codepoint: int) -> Optional[str]: next_best_cmap = font.getBestCmap() if codepoint in next_best_cmap: return next_best_cmap[codepoint] return None
[docs]def glyph_contour_count(font, name): """Contour count for specified glyph. This implementation will also return contour count for composite glyphs. """ contour_count = 0 items = [font["glyf"][name]] while items: g = items.pop(0) if g.isComposite(): for comp in g.components: if comp.glyphName != ".ttfautohint": items.append(font["glyf"][comp.glyphName]) if g.numberOfContours != -1: contour_count += g.numberOfContours return contour_count
[docs]def get_font_glyph_data(font): """Return information for each glyph in a font""" from fontbakery.constants import PlatformID, WindowsEncodingID font_data = [] try: subtable = font["cmap"].getcmap( PlatformID.WINDOWS, WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP ) if not subtable: # Well... Give it a chance here... # It may be using a different Encoding_ID value subtable = font["cmap"].tables[0] cmap = subtable.cmap except (AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError): return None cmap_reversed = dict(zip(cmap.values(), cmap.keys())) for glyph_name in font.getGlyphSet().keys(): if glyph_name in cmap_reversed: uni_glyph = cmap_reversed[glyph_name] contours = glyph_contour_count(font, glyph_name) font_data.append( {"unicode": uni_glyph, "name": glyph_name, "contours": {contours}} ) return font_data
[docs]def get_Protobuf_Message(klass, path): try: from google.protobuf import text_format except ImportError: exit_with_install_instructions() message = klass() text_data = open(path, "rb").read() text_format.Merge(text_data, message) return message
[docs]def get_FamilyProto_Message(path): try: from fontbakery.fonts_public_pb2 import FamilyProto except ImportError: exit_with_install_instructions() return get_Protobuf_Message(FamilyProto, path)
[docs]def get_DesignerInfoProto_Message(text_data): try: from fontbakery.designers_pb2 import DesignerInfoProto from google.protobuf import text_format except ImportError: exit_with_install_instructions() message = DesignerInfoProto() text_format.Merge(text_data, message) return message
[docs]def check_bit_entry(ttFont, table, attr, expected, bitmask, bitname): from fontbakery.message import Message from fontbakery.status import PASS, FAIL value = getattr(ttFont[table], attr) name_str = f"{table} {attr} {bitname} bit" if bool(value & bitmask) == expected: return PASS, f"{name_str} is properly set." else: if expected: expected_str = "set" else: expected_str = "unset" return FAIL, Message(f"bad-{bitname}", f"{name_str} should be {expected_str}.")
[docs]class BadCertificateSetupException(Exception): pass
[docs]def download_file(url): from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import URLError from io import BytesIO try: return BytesIO(urlopen(url).read()) except URLError as e: if "CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED" in str(e.reason): raise BadCertificateSetupException( "You probably installed official" " Mac python from but forgot to also install" " the certificates. There is a note in the installer" " Readme about that. Check the Python folder in the" " Applications directory, you should find a shell script" " to install the certificates." )
[docs]def cff_glyph_has_ink(font: TTFont, glyph_name: Text) -> bool: if "CFF2" in font: top_dict = font["CFF2"].cff.topDictIndex[0] else: top_dict = font["CFF "].cff.topDictIndex[0] char_strings = top_dict.CharStrings char_string = char_strings[glyph_name] bounds = char_string.calcBounds(char_strings) if bounds is not None: return True return False
[docs]def ttf_glyph_has_ink(font: TTFont, name: Text) -> bool: glyph = font["glyf"].glyphs[name] glyph.expand(font["glyf"]) if not glyph.isComposite(): if glyph.numberOfContours == 0: return False (coords, _, _) = glyph.getCoordinates(font["glyf"]) # you need at least 3 points to draw return len(coords) > 2 # Check for ink in each sub-component. for glyph_name in glyph.getComponentNames(glyph.components): if glyph_has_ink(font, glyph_name): return True return False
[docs]def unicoderange_bit_name(bit): from fontbakery.constants import UNICODERANGE_DATA return UNICODERANGE_DATA[bit][0][1]
[docs]def get_preferred_cmap(ttFont): cmaps = {} for table in ttFont["cmap"].tables: cmaps[table.format] = table.cmap if 12 in cmaps: return cmaps[12] elif 4 in cmaps: return cmaps[4] else: return None
[docs]def chars_in_range(ttFont, bit): from fontbakery.constants import UNICODERANGE_DATA cmap = get_preferred_cmap(ttFont) chars = [] for c in sorted(cmap): for entry in UNICODERANGE_DATA[bit]: if c >= entry[2] and c <= entry[3]: chars.append(c) return chars
[docs]def compute_unicoderange_bits(ttFont): from fontbakery.constants import UNICODERANGE_DATA cmap = get_preferred_cmap(ttFont) result = 0 for c in sorted(cmap): for bit in range(len(UNICODERANGE_DATA)): for entry in UNICODERANGE_DATA[bit]: bit = entry[0] if c >= entry[2] and c <= entry[3]: result |= 1 << bit return result
[docs]def glyph_has_ink(font: TTFont, glyph_name: Text) -> bool: """Checks if specified glyph has any ink. That is, that it has at least one defined contour associated. Composites are considered to have ink if any of their components have ink. Args: font: the font glyph_name: The name of the glyph to check for ink. Returns: True if the font has at least one contour associated with it. """ if "glyf" in font: return ttf_glyph_has_ink(font, glyph_name) elif ("CFF " in font) or ("CFF2" in font): return cff_glyph_has_ink(font, glyph_name) else: raise Exception("Could not find 'glyf', 'CFF ', or 'CFF2' table.")
[docs]def filenames_ending_in(suffix, root): """ Returns a list of the filenames of all files in a given directory subtree that have the given filename suffix. Example: List all ".json" files. """ filenames = [] for f in os.listdir(root): fullpath = os.path.join(root, f) if f.endswith(suffix): filenames.append(fullpath) if os.path.isdir(fullpath): filenames.extend(filenames_ending_in(suffix, fullpath)) return filenames
[docs]def add_check_overrides(checkids, profile_tag, overrides): """ Overridden checkids have a suffix identifying the specific profile that customize their behaviour. This helper function adds them to the list of checks and ensures the original check is not redundantly listed. """ # First we add the overridden check ids: checkids += [f"{checkid}:{profile_tag}" for checkid in overrides] # But then we also remove the original check ids that # may have also been included from the original profile: checkids[:] = [checkid for checkid in checkids if checkid not in overrides] return checkids
[docs]def all_kerning(ttFont): if "GPOS" not in ttFont: return [] rules = [] def _invertClassDef(a, font): classes = {} for glyph, klass in a.items(): if klass not in classes: classes[klass] = [] classes[klass].append(glyph) glyphset = set(font.getGlyphOrder()) classes[0] = glyphset - set(a.keys()) return classes kern_subtables = [] for lu in ttFont["GPOS"].table.LookupList.Lookup: for subtable in lu.SubTable: if subtable.LookupType == 9: subtable = subtable.ExtSubTable if subtable.LookupType == 2: kern_subtables.append(subtable) for subtable in kern_subtables: if subtable.Format == 1: for g, pair in zip(subtable.Coverage.glyphs, subtable.PairSet): for vr in pair.PairValueRecord: rules.append((g, vr.SecondGlyph, vr.Value1, vr.Value2)) else: class1 = _invertClassDef(subtable.ClassDef1.classDefs, ttFont) class2 = _invertClassDef(subtable.ClassDef2.classDefs, ttFont) for ix1, c1 in enumerate(subtable.Class1Record): if ix1 not in class1: continue for ix2, c2 in enumerate(c1.Class2Record): if ix2 not in class2: continue firstClass = list(set(class1[ix1]) & set(subtable.Coverage.glyphs)) for left in firstClass: for right in class2[ix2]: rules.append((left, right, c2.Value1, c2.Value2)) return rules
[docs]def iterate_lookup_list_with_extensions(ttFont, table, callback, *args): """Iterates over the lookup list of a font's GSUB/GPOS table, calling the callback with the lookup and the provided arguments, but descending into Extension subtables.""" if table not in ttFont or not ttFont[table].table.LookupList: return extension_type = 9 if table == "GPOS" else 7 for lookup in ttFont[table].table.LookupList.Lookup: if lookup.LookupType == extension_type: for xt in lookup.SubTable: xt.SubTable = [xt.ExtSubTable] xt.LookupType = xt.ExtSubTable.LookupType callback(xt, *args) else: callback(lookup, *args)
[docs]def axis(ttFont, tag): """Return the axis with the given tag.""" for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if axis.axisTag == tag: return axis
[docs]class PointsPen(BasePen): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.points = [] def _moveTo(self, pt): self.points.append(pt) def _lineTo(self, pt): self.points.append(pt) def _curveToOne(self, pt1, pt2, pt3): self.points.append(pt1) self.points.append(pt2) self.points.append(pt3) def _qCurveToOne(self, pt1, pt2): self.points.append(pt1) self.points.append(pt2) def _closePath(self): pass def _endPath(self): self.points = [] self.beginPath()
[docs] def getPoints(self): return self.points
[docs] def highestPoint(self): highest = None for p in self.points: if highest is None or p[1] > highest[1]: # pylint: disable=E1136 highest = p return highest
[docs] def lowestPoint(self): lowest = None for p in self.points: if lowest is None or p[1] < lowest[1]: # pylint: disable=E1136 lowest = p return lowest
def _addComponent(self, glyphName, transformation): self.glyphSet[glyphName].draw(self)