
FontBakery reporters/terminal can report the events of the FontBakery CheckRunner Protocol to the terminal (or by pipe to files). It understands both, the synchronous and asynchronous execution model.

Separation of Concerns Disclaimer: While created specifically for checking fonts and font-families this module has no domain knowledge about fonts. It can be used for any kind of (document) checking. Please keep it so. It will be valuable for other domains as well. Domain specific knowledge should be encoded only in the Profile (Checks, Conditions) and MAYBE in customized reporters e.g. subclasses.

class fontbakery.reporters.terminal.TerminalProgress(print_progress=True, stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='utf-8'>, structure_threshold=None, theme=None, succinct=None, cupcake=True, skip_status_report=None, **kwd)[source][source]
class fontbakery.reporters.terminal.TerminalReporter(collect_results_by=None, check_threshold=None, log_threshold=None, **kwd)[source][source]

yield for each check on endcheck, make a summary of the check and yield that

class fontbakery.reporters.terminal.ThrottledOut(outFile, holdback_time=None, max_ticks=0, draw_progressbar=None)[source][source]

call this at the very end, so that we can output the rest


only put to stdout every now and then

fontbakery.reporters.terminal.formatStatus(theme, status, text=None)[source][source]
fontbakery.reporters.terminal.parse_md_table(match, tables_memo)[source][source]