Source code for fontbakery.profiles.cff

from fontbakery.callable import check, condition
from fontbakery.status import FAIL, PASS, WARN
from fontbakery.message import Message

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

profile_imports = ((".", ("shared_conditions",)),)

[docs]class CFFAnalysis: def __init__(self): self.glyphs_dotsection = [] self.glyphs_endchar_seac = [] self.glyphs_exceed_max = [] self.glyphs_recursion_errors = []
def _get_subr_bias(count): if count < 1240: bias = 107 elif count < 33900: bias = 1131 else: bias = 32768 return bias def _traverse_subr_call_tree(info, program, depth): global_subrs = info["global_subrs"] subrs = info["subrs"] gsubr_bias = info["gsubr_bias"] subr_bias = info["subr_bias"] if depth > info["max_depth"]: info["max_depth"] = depth # once we exceed the max depth we can stop going deeper if depth > 10: return if ( len(program) >= 5 and program[-1] == "endchar" and all([isinstance(a, int) for a in program[-5:-1]]) ): info["saw_endchar_seac"] = True if "ignore" in program: # decompiler expresses 'dotsection' as 'ignore' info["saw_dotsection"] = True while program: x = program.pop() if x == "callgsubr": y = int(program.pop()) + gsubr_bias sub_program = global_subrs[y].program.copy() _traverse_subr_call_tree(info, sub_program, depth + 1) elif x == "callsubr": y = int(program.pop()) + subr_bias sub_program = subrs[y].program.copy() _traverse_subr_call_tree(info, sub_program, depth + 1) def _analyze_cff(analysis, top_dict, private_dict, fd_index=0): char_strings = top_dict.CharStrings global_subrs = top_dict.GlobalSubrs gsubr_bias = _get_subr_bias(len(global_subrs)) if private_dict is not None and hasattr(private_dict, "Subrs"): subrs = private_dict.Subrs subr_bias = _get_subr_bias(len(subrs)) else: subrs = None subr_bias = None char_list = char_strings.keys() for glyph_name in char_list: t2_char_string, fd_select_index = char_strings.getItemAndSelector(glyph_name) if fd_select_index is not None and fd_select_index != fd_index: continue try: t2_char_string.decompile() except RecursionError: analysis.glyphs_recursion_errors.append(glyph_name) continue info = {} info["subrs"] = subrs info["global_subrs"] = global_subrs info["gsubr_bias"] = gsubr_bias info["subr_bias"] = subr_bias info["max_depth"] = 0 depth = 0 program = t2_char_string.program.copy() _traverse_subr_call_tree(info, program, depth) max_depth = info["max_depth"] if max_depth > 10: analysis.glyphs_exceed_max.append(glyph_name) if info.get("saw_endchar_seac"): analysis.glyphs_endchar_seac.append(glyph_name) if info.get("saw_dotsection"): analysis.glyphs_dotsection.append(glyph_name)
[docs]@condition def cff_analysis(ttFont): analysis = CFFAnalysis() if "CFF " in ttFont: cff = ttFont["CFF "].cff for top_dict in cff.topDictIndex: if hasattr(top_dict, "FDArray"): for fd_index, font_dict in enumerate(top_dict.FDArray): if hasattr(font_dict, "Private"): private_dict = font_dict.Private else: private_dict = None _analyze_cff(analysis, top_dict, private_dict, fd_index) else: if hasattr(top_dict, "Private"): private_dict = top_dict.Private else: private_dict = None _analyze_cff(analysis, top_dict, private_dict) elif "CFF2" in ttFont: cff = ttFont["CFF2"].cff for top_dict in cff.topDictIndex: for fd_index, font_dict in enumerate(top_dict.FDArray): if hasattr(font_dict, "Private"): private_dict = font_dict.Private else: private_dict = None _analyze_cff(analysis, top_dict, private_dict, fd_index) return analysis
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/cff_call_depth", conditions=["ttFont", "is_cff", "cff_analysis"], rationale=""" Per "The Type 2 Charstring Format, Technical Note #5177", the "Subr nesting, stack limit" is 10. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_cff_call_depth(cff_analysis): """Is the CFF subr/gsubr call depth > 10?""" any_failures = False if cff_analysis.glyphs_exceed_max or cff_analysis.glyphs_recursion_errors: any_failures = True for gn in cff_analysis.glyphs_exceed_max: yield FAIL, Message( "max-depth", f"Subroutine call depth exceeded" f' maximum of 10 for glyph "{gn}".', ) for gn in cff_analysis.glyphs_recursion_errors: yield FAIL, Message( "recursion-error", f'Recursion error while decompiling glyph "{gn}".' ) if not any_failures: yield PASS, "Maximum call depth not exceeded."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/cff2_call_depth", conditions=["ttFont", "is_cff2", "cff_analysis"], rationale=""" Per "The CFF2 CharString Format", the "Subr nesting, stack limit" is 10. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_cff2_call_depth(cff_analysis): """Is the CFF2 subr/gsubr call depth > 10?""" any_failures = False if cff_analysis.glyphs_exceed_max or cff_analysis.glyphs_recursion_errors: any_failures = True for gn in cff_analysis.glyphs_exceed_max: yield FAIL, Message( "max-depth", f"Subroutine call depth exceeded" f' maximum of 10 for glyph "{gn}".', ) for gn in cff_analysis.glyphs_recursion_errors: yield FAIL, Message( "recursion-error", f'Recursion error while decompiling glyph "{gn}".' ) if not any_failures: yield PASS, "Maximum call depth not exceeded."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/cff_deprecated_operators", conditions=["ttFont", "is_cff", "cff_analysis"], rationale=""" The 'dotsection' operator and the use of 'endchar' to build accented characters from the Adobe Standard Encoding Character Set ("seac") are deprecated in CFF. Adobe recommends repairing any fonts that use these, especially endchar-as-seac, because a rendering issue was discovered in Microsoft Word with a font that makes use of this operation. The check treats that usage as a FAIL. There are no known ill effects of using dotsection, so that check is a WARN. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_cff_deprecated_operators(cff_analysis): """Does the font use deprecated CFF operators or operations?""" any_failures = False if cff_analysis.glyphs_dotsection or cff_analysis.glyphs_endchar_seac: any_failures = True for gn in cff_analysis.glyphs_dotsection: yield WARN, Message( "deprecated-operator-dotsection", f'Glyph "{gn}" uses deprecated "dotsection" operator.', ) for gn in cff_analysis.glyphs_endchar_seac: yield FAIL, Message( "deprecated-operation-endchar-seac", f'Glyph "{gn}" has deprecated use of "endchar"' f" operator to build accented characters (seac).", ) if not any_failures: yield PASS, "No deprecated CFF operators used."