Source code for fontbakery.profiles.os2

from fontbakery.callable import check
from fontbakery.status import FAIL, PASS, WARN, INFO, SKIP
from fontbakery.message import Message

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

profile_imports = [
    (".shared_conditions", ("vmetrics",)),
    (".googlefonts_conditions", ("RIBBI_ttFonts",)),

[docs]@check( id="", proposal="legacy:check/009" ) def com_google_fonts_check_family_panose_proportion(ttFonts): """Fonts have consistent PANOSE proportion?""" passed = True proportion = None missing = False for ttFont in ttFonts: if "OS/2" not in ttFont: missing = True passed = False continue if proportion is None: proportion = ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion if proportion != ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion: passed = False if missing: yield FAIL, Message( "lacks-OS/2", "One or more fonts lack the required OS/2 table." ) if not passed: yield WARN, Message( "inconsistency", "PANOSE proportion is not the same across this family." " In order to fix this, please make sure that" " the panose.bProportion value is the same" " in the OS/2 table of all of this family font files.", ) else: yield PASS, "Fonts have consistent PANOSE proportion."
[docs]@check( id="", proposal="legacy:check/010" ) def com_google_fonts_check_family_panose_familytype(ttFonts): """Fonts have consistent PANOSE family type?""" passed = True familytype = None missing = False for ttfont in ttFonts: if "OS/2" not in ttfont: passed = False missing = True continue if familytype is None: familytype = ttfont["OS/2"].panose.bFamilyType if familytype != ttfont["OS/2"].panose.bFamilyType: passed = False if missing: yield FAIL, Message( "lacks-OS/2", "One or more fonts lack the required OS/2 table." ) if not passed: yield WARN, Message( "inconsistency", "PANOSE family type is not the same across this family." " In order to fix this, please make sure that" " the panose.bFamilyType value is the same" " in the OS/2 table of all of this family font files.", ) else: yield PASS, "Fonts have consistent PANOSE family type."
[docs]@check( id="", proposal="legacy:check/034", ) def com_google_fonts_check_xavgcharwidth(ttFont): """Check if OS/2 xAvgCharWidth is correct.""" if "OS/2" not in ttFont: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-OS/2", "Required OS/2 table is missing.") return current_value = ttFont["OS/2"].xAvgCharWidth ACCEPTABLE_ERROR = 10 # Width deviation tolerance in font units # Since version 3, the average is computed using _all_ glyphs in a font. if ttFont["OS/2"].version >= 3: calculation_rule = "the average of the widths of all glyphs in the font" if not ttFont["hmtx"].metrics: # May contain just '.notdef', which is valid. yield FAIL, Message( "missing-glyphs", "CRITICAL: Found no glyph width data in the hmtx table!", ) return width_sum = 0 count = 0 for width, _ in ttFont[ "hmtx" ].metrics.values(): # At least .notdef must be present. # The OpenType spec doesn't exclude negative widths, but only positive # widths seems to be the assumption in the wild? if width > 0: count += 1 width_sum += width expected_value = int(round(width_sum / count)) else: # Version 2 and below only consider lowercase latin glyphs and space. calculation_rule = ( "the weighted average of the widths of the latin" " lowercase glyphs in the font" ) weightFactors = { "a": 64, "b": 14, "c": 27, "d": 35, "e": 100, "f": 20, "g": 14, "h": 42, "i": 63, "j": 3, "k": 6, "l": 35, "m": 20, "n": 56, "o": 56, "p": 17, "q": 4, "r": 49, "s": 56, "t": 71, "u": 31, "v": 10, "w": 18, "x": 3, "y": 18, "z": 2, "space": 166, } glyph_order = ttFont.getGlyphOrder() if not all(character in glyph_order for character in weightFactors): yield FAIL, Message( "missing-glyphs", "Font is missing the required latin lowercase letters and/or space.", ) return width_sum = 0 for glyph_id in weightFactors: width = ttFont["hmtx"].metrics[glyph_id][0] width_sum += width * weightFactors[glyph_id] expected_value = int(width_sum / 1000.0 + 0.5) # round to closest int difference = abs(current_value - expected_value) # We accept matches and off-by-ones due to rounding as correct. if current_value == expected_value or difference == 1: yield PASS, "OS/2 xAvgCharWidth value is correct." elif difference < ACCEPTABLE_ERROR: yield INFO, Message( "xAvgCharWidth-close", f"OS/2 xAvgCharWidth is {current_value} but it should be" f" {expected_value} which corresponds to {calculation_rule}." f" These are similar values, which" f" may be a symptom of the slightly different" f" calculation of the xAvgCharWidth value in" f" font editors. There's further discussion on" f" this at" f"/issues/1622", ) else: yield WARN, Message( "xAvgCharWidth-wrong", f"OS/2 xAvgCharWidth is {current_value} but it should be" f" {expected_value} which corresponds to {calculation_rule}.", )
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/fsselection_matches_macstyle", rationale=""" The bold and italic bits in OS/2.fsSelection must match the bold and italic bits in head.macStyle per the OpenType spec. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_fsselection_matches_macstyle(ttFont): """Check if OS/2 fsSelection matches head macStyle bold and italic bits.""" # Check both OS/2 and head are present. missing_tables = False required = ["OS/2", "head"] for key in required: if key not in ttFont: missing_tables = True yield FAIL, Message(f"lacks-{key}", f"The '{key}' table is missing.") if missing_tables: return from fontbakery.constants import FsSelection, MacStyle failed = False head_bold = (ttFont["head"].macStyle & MacStyle.BOLD) != 0 os2_bold = (ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & FsSelection.BOLD) != 0 if head_bold != os2_bold: failed = True yield FAIL, Message( "fsselection-macstyle-bold", "The OS/2.fsSelection and head.macStyle bold settings do not match.", ) head_italic = (ttFont["head"].macStyle & MacStyle.ITALIC) != 0 os2_italic = (ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & FsSelection.ITALIC) != 0 if head_italic != os2_italic: failed = True yield FAIL, Message( "fsselection-macstyle-italic", "The OS/2.fsSelection and head.macStyle italic settings do not match.", ) if not failed: yield PASS, ( "The OS/2.fsSelection and head.macStyle bold and italic settings match." )
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/family/bold_italic_unique_for_nameid1", conditions=["RIBBI_ttFonts"], rationale=""" Per the OpenType spec: name ID 1 'is used in combination with Font Subfamily name (name ID 2), and should be shared among at most four fonts that differ only in weight or style. This four-way distinction should also be reflected in the OS/2.fsSelection field, using bits 0 and 5. """, proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_family_bold_italic_unique_for_nameid1(RIBBI_ttFonts): """Check that OS/2.fsSelection bold & italic settings are unique for each NameID1""" from collections import Counter from fontbakery.utils import get_name_entry_strings from fontbakery.constants import NameID, FsSelection failed = False family_name_and_bold_italic = [] for ttFont in RIBBI_ttFonts: names_list = get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME) # names_list will likely contain multiple entries, e.g. multiple copies # of the same name in the same language for different platforms, but # also different names in different languages, we use set() below # to remove the duplicates and only store the unique family name(s) # used for a given font names_set = set(names_list) bold = (ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & FsSelection.BOLD) != 0 italic = (ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & FsSelection.ITALIC) != 0 bold_italic = "Bold=%r, Italic=%r" % (bold, italic) for name in names_set: family_name_and_bold_italic.append( ( name, bold_italic, ) ) counter = Counter(family_name_and_bold_italic) for (family_name, bold_italic), count in counter.items(): if count > 1: failed = True yield FAIL, Message( "unique-fsselection", f"Family '{family_name}' has {count} fonts" f" (should be no more than 1) with the" f" same OS/2.fsSelection bold & italic settings:" f" {bold_italic}", ) if not failed: yield PASS, ( "The OS/2.fsSelection bold & italic settings were unique " "within each compatible family group." )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" At least some programs (such as Word and Sublime Text) under Windows 7 do not recognize fonts unless code page bits are properly set on the ulCodePageRange1 (and/or ulCodePageRange2) fields of the OS/2 table. More specifically, the fonts are selectable in the font menu, but whichever Windows API these applications use considers them unsuitable for any character set, so anything set in these fonts is rendered with Arial as a fallback font. This check currently does not identify which code pages should be set. Auto-detecting coverage is not trivial since the OpenType specification leaves the interpretation of whether a given code page is "functional" or not open to the font developer to decide. So here we simply detect as a FAIL when a given font has no code page declared at all. """, proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_code_pages(ttFont): """Check code page character ranges""" if "OS/2" not in ttFont: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-OS/2", "The required OS/2 table is missing.") return if ( not hasattr(ttFont["OS/2"], "ulCodePageRange1") or not hasattr(ttFont["OS/2"], "ulCodePageRange2") or ( ttFont["OS/2"].ulCodePageRange1 == 0 and ttFont["OS/2"].ulCodePageRange2 == 0 ) ): yield FAIL, Message( "no-code-pages", "No code pages defined in the OS/2 table" " ulCodePageRange1 and CodePageRange2 fields.", ) else: yield PASS, "At least one code page is defined."
[docs]@check( id="com.thetypefounders/check/vendor_id", rationale=""" When a font project's Vendor ID is specified explicitly on FontBakery's configuration file, all binaries must have a matching vendor identifier value in the OS/2 table. """, proposal="", ) def com_thetypefounders_check_vendor_id(config, ttFont): """Checking OS/2 achVendID against configuration.""" if "vendor_id" not in config: yield SKIP, ( "Add the `vendor_id` key to a `fontbakery.yaml` file" " on your font project directory to enable this check.\n" "You'll also need to use the `--configuration` flag when" " invoking fontbakery." ) return if "OS/2" not in ttFont: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-OS/2", "The required OS/2 table is missing.") return config_vendor_id = config["vendor_id"] font_vendor_id = ttFont["OS/2"].achVendID if config_vendor_id != font_vendor_id: yield FAIL, Message( "bad-vendor-id", f"OS/2 VendorID is '{font_vendor_id}'," f" but should be '{config_vendor_id}'.", ) else: yield PASS, f"OS/2 VendorID '{font_vendor_id}' is correct."
[docs]@check( id="", conditions=["style"], proposal="legacy:check/129", ) def com_google_fonts_check_fsselection(ttFont, style): """Checking OS/2 fsSelection value.""" from fontbakery.utils import check_bit_entry from fontbakery.constants import STATIC_STYLE_NAMES, RIBBI_STYLE_NAMES, FsSelection # Checking fsSelection REGULAR bit: expected = "Regular" in style or ( style in STATIC_STYLE_NAMES and style not in RIBBI_STYLE_NAMES and "Italic" not in style ) yield check_bit_entry( ttFont, "OS/2", "fsSelection", expected, bitmask=FsSelection.REGULAR, bitname="REGULAR", ) # Checking fsSelection ITALIC bit: expected = "Italic" in style yield check_bit_entry( ttFont, "OS/2", "fsSelection", expected, bitmask=FsSelection.ITALIC, bitname="ITALIC", ) # Checking fsSelection BOLD bit: expected = style in ["Bold", "BoldItalic"] yield check_bit_entry( ttFont, "OS/2", "fsSelection", expected, bitmask=FsSelection.BOLD, bitname="BOLD", )