Source code for

from fontbakery.callable import check
from fontbakery.status import FAIL, PASS, WARN
from fontbakery.message import Message

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

profile_imports = [(".shared_conditions", ("is_ttf",))]

[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" Dave C Lemon (Adobe Type Team) recommends setting the underline thickness to be consistent across the family. If thicknesses are not family consistent, words set on the same line which have different styles look strange. """, proposal="legacy:check/008", misc_metadata={"affects": [("InDesign", "unspecified")]}, ) def com_google_fonts_check_family_underline_thickness(ttFonts): """Fonts have consistent underline thickness?""" underTs = {} underlineThickness = None failed = False for ttfont in ttFonts: fontname = # stylename = style(fontname) ut = ttfont["post"].underlineThickness underTs[fontname] = ut if underlineThickness is None: underlineThickness = ut if ut != underlineThickness: failed = True if failed: msg = ( "Thickness of the underline is not" " the same across this family. In order to fix this," " please make sure that the underlineThickness value" " is the same in the 'post' table of all of this family" " font files.\n" "Detected underlineThickness values are:\n" ) for style in underTs.keys(): msg += f"\t{style}: {underTs[style]}\n" yield FAIL, Message("inconsistent-underline-thickness", msg) else: yield PASS, "Fonts have consistent underline thickness."
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" Format 2.5 of the 'post' table was deprecated in OpenType 1.3 and should not be used. According to Thomas Phinney, the possible problem with post format 3 is that under the right combination of circumstances, one can generate PDF from a font with a post format 3 table, and not have accurate backing store for any text that has non-default glyphs for a given codepoint. It will look fine but not be searchable. This can affect Latin text with high-end typography, and some complex script writing systems, especially with higher-quality fonts. Those circumstances generally involve creating a PDF by first printing a PostScript stream to disk, and then creating a PDF from that stream without reference to the original source document. There are some workflows where this applies,but these are not common use cases. Apple recommends against use of post format version 4 as "no longer necessary and should be avoided". Please see the Apple TrueType reference documentation for additional details. Acceptable post format versions are 2 and 3 for TTF and OTF CFF2 builds, and post format 3 for CFF builds. """, proposal=[ "legacy:check/015", "", "", "", ], ) def com_google_fonts_check_post_table_version(ttFont): """Font has correct post table version?""" formatType = ttFont["post"].formatType is_cff = "CFF " in ttFont if is_cff and formatType != 3: yield FAIL, Message( "post-table-version", "CFF fonts must contain post format 3 table." ) elif not is_cff and formatType == 3: yield WARN, Message( "post-table-version", "Post table format 3 use has niche use case problems." "Please review the check rationale for additional details.", ) elif formatType == 2.5: yield FAIL, Message( "post-table-version", "Post format 2.5 was deprecated in OpenType 1.3 and should not be used.", ) elif formatType == 4: yield FAIL, Message( "post-table-version", "According to Apple documentation, post format 4 tables are" "no longer necessary and should not be used.", ) else: yield PASS, f"Font has an acceptable post format {formatType} table version."
[docs]@check( id="", conditions=["style"], rationale=""" The 'post' table italicAngle property should be a reasonable amount, likely not more than 30°. Note that in the OpenType specification, the value is negative for a rightward lean. """, proposal="legacy:check/130", ) def com_google_fonts_check_italic_angle(ttFont, style): """Checking post.italicAngle value.""" import math from beziers.path import BezierPath, Line, Point from fontTools.pens.boundsPen import BoundsPen value = ttFont["post"].italicAngle # Calculating italic angle from the font's glyph outlines def x_leftmost_intersection(paths, y): for y_adjust in range(0, 20, 2): line = Line( Point(xMin - 100, y + y_adjust), Point(xMax + 100, y + y_adjust) ) for path in paths: for s in path.asSegments(): intersections = s.intersections(line) if intersections: return intersections[0].point.x GLYPHS_TO_CHECK = ( "bar", "uni007C", # VERTICAL LINE "bracketleft", "uni005B", # LEFT SQUARE BRACKET "H", "uni0048", # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H "I", "uni0049", # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I ) bad_glyphs = [] for glyph_name in GLYPHS_TO_CHECK: # Get bounds glyphset = ttFont.getGlyphSet() if glyph_name not in glyphset: continue boundspen = BoundsPen(glyphset) glyphset[glyph_name].draw(boundspen) if not boundspen.bounds: bad_glyphs.append(glyph_name) continue calculated_italic_angle = None for glyph_name in GLYPHS_TO_CHECK: try: paths = BezierPath.fromFonttoolsGlyph(ttFont, glyph_name) except KeyError: continue # Get bounds boundspen = BoundsPen(ttFont.getGlyphSet()) ttFont.getGlyphSet()[glyph_name].draw(boundspen) bounds = boundspen.bounds if not bounds: continue (xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) = bounds # Measure at 20% distance from bottom and top y_bottom = yMin + (yMax - yMin) * 0.2 y_top = yMin + (yMax - yMin) * 0.8 x_intsctn_bottom = x_leftmost_intersection(paths, y_bottom) x_intsctn_top = x_leftmost_intersection(paths, y_top) # Fails to calculate the intersection for some situations, # so try again with next glyph if not x_intsctn_bottom or not x_intsctn_top: continue x_d = x_intsctn_top - x_intsctn_bottom y_d = y_top - y_bottom calculated_italic_angle = -1 * math.degrees(math.atan2(x_d, y_d)) break passed = True # Wasn't able to calculate italic angle from the font's glyph outlines, # so revert to previous functionality of assuming a right-leaning Italic # and report a warning if italicAngle is positive if calculated_italic_angle is None: if value > 0: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "positive", ( "The value of post.italicAngle is positive, which" " is likely a mistake and should become negative" " for right-leaning Italics. If this font is" " left-leaning, ignore this warning." ), ) else: # Checking that italicAngle matches the calculated value # We allow a 0.1° tolerance if calculated_italic_angle < 0.1 and value > 0: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "positive", f"The value of post.italicAngle is positive, which" f" is likely a mistake and should become negative" f" for right-leaning Italics.\n" f"post.italicAngle: {value}\n" f"angle calculated from outlines:" f" {calculated_italic_angle:.1f})", ) if calculated_italic_angle > 0.1 and value < 0: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "negative", f"The value of post.italicAngle is negative, which" f" is likely a mistake and should become positive" f" for left-leaning Italics.\n" f"post.italicAngle: {value}\n" f"angle calculated from outlines:" f" {calculated_italic_angle:.1f})", ) # Checking that italicAngle > 90 if abs(value) > 90: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "over-90-degrees", ( "The value of post.italicAngle is over 90°, which" " is surely a mistake." ), ) # Checking that italicAngle is less than 20° (not good) or 30° (bad) # Also note we invert the value to check it in a clear way if abs(value) > 30: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "over-30-degrees", ( f"The value of post.italicAngle ({value}) is very high" f" (over -30° or 30°) and should be confirmed." ), ) elif abs(value) > 20: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "over-20-degrees", ( f"The value of post.italicAngle ({value}) seems very high" f" (over -20° or 20°) and should be confirmed." ), ) # Checking if italicAngle matches font style: if "Italic" in style: if ttFont["post"].italicAngle == 0: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "zero-italic", "Font is italic, so post.italicAngle should be non-zero.", ) else: if ttFont["post"].italicAngle != 0: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "non-zero-upright", "Font is not italic, so post.italicAngle should be equal to zero.", ) if bad_glyphs: passed = False yield WARN, Message( "empty-glyphs", ( "The following glyphs were present but did not contain any outlines: " + ", ".join(bad_glyphs) ), ) if passed: yield PASS, (f"Value of post.italicAngle is {value}" f' with style="{style}".')