Source code for fontbakery.profiles.shared_conditions

import os
from typing import List
from collections import Counter

from fontbakery.callable import condition

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

[docs]@condition def network(config): return not config["skip_network"]
[docs]@condition def ttFont(font): from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont return TTFont(font)
[docs]@condition def is_ttf(ttFont): return "glyf" in ttFont
[docs]@condition def are_ttf(ttFonts): for f in ttFonts: if not is_ttf(f): return False # otherwise: return True
[docs]@condition def is_cff(ttFont): return "CFF " in ttFont
[docs]@condition def is_cff2(ttFont): return "CFF2" in ttFont
[docs]@condition def has_name_table(ttFont): return "name" in ttFont.keys()
[docs]@condition def has_os2_table(ttFont): return "OS/2" in ttFont.keys()
[docs]@condition def has_STAT_table(ttFont): return "STAT" in ttFont
# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME! Redundant with @condition GF's canonical_stylename(font)?
[docs]@condition def style(font): """Determine font style from canonical filename.""" from fontbakery.constants import STATIC_STYLE_NAMES from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont acceptable_stylenames = [name.replace(" ", "") for name in STATIC_STYLE_NAMES] filename = os.path.basename(font) # VF ttFont = TTFont(font) if is_variable_font(ttFont): if default_wght_coord(ttFont) == 700.0: if "Italic" in filename: return "BoldItalic" else: return "Bold" else: if "Italic" in filename: return "Italic" else: return "Regular" # Static elif "-" in filename: stylename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0].split("-")[1] if stylename in acceptable_stylenames: return stylename return None
[docs]@condition def variable_font_filename(ttFont): from fontbakery.utils import get_name_entry_strings from fontbakery.constants import MacStyle, NameID familynames = get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME) typo_familynames = get_name_entry_strings(ttFont, NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME) if not familynames: return None familyname = typo_familynames[0] if typo_familynames else familynames[0] familyname = "".join(familyname.split(" ")) # remove spaces if bool(ttFont["head"].macStyle & MacStyle.ITALIC): familyname += "-Italic" tags = ttFont["fvar"].axes tags = list(map(lambda t: t.axisTag, tags)) tags.sort() tags = "[{}]".format(",".join(tags)) return f"{familyname}{tags}.ttf"
[docs]@condition def family_directory(font): """Get the path of font project directory.""" if font: dirname = os.path.dirname(font) if dirname == "": dirname = "." return dirname
[docs]@condition def sibling_directories(family_directory): """ Given a directory, this function tries to figure out where else in the filesystem other related "sibling" families might be located. This is guesswork and may not be able to find font files in other folders not yet covered by this routine. We may improve this in the future by adding other smarter filesystem lookup procedures or even by letting the user feed explicit sibling family paths. This function returs a list of paths to directories where related font files were detected. """ SIBLING_SUFFIXES = ["sans", "sc", "narrow", "text", "display", "condensed"] base_family_dir = family_directory for suffix in SIBLING_SUFFIXES: if family_directory.endswith(suffix): candidate = family_directory[: -len(suffix)] if os.path.isdir(candidate): base_family_dir = candidate break directories = [base_family_dir] for suffix in SIBLING_SUFFIXES: candidate = base_family_dir + suffix if os.path.isdir(candidate): directories.append(candidate) return directories
[docs]@condition def superfamily(sibling_directories): """ Given a list of directories, this functions looks for font files and returs a list of lists of the detected filepaths. """ result = [] for family_dir in sibling_directories: filepaths = [] for entry in os.listdir(family_dir): if entry[-4:] in [".otf", ".ttf"]: filepaths.append(os.path.join(family_dir, entry)) result.append(filepaths) return result
[docs]@condition def superfamily_ttFonts(superfamily): from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont result = [] for family in superfamily: result.append([TTFont(f) for f in family]) return result
[docs]@condition def ligatures(ttFont): from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables import LigatureSubst all_ligatures = {} try: if "GSUB" in ttFont and ttFont["GSUB"].table.LookupList: for record in ttFont["GSUB"].table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord: if record.FeatureTag == "liga": for index in record.Feature.LookupListIndex: lookup = ttFont["GSUB"].table.LookupList.Lookup[index] for subtable in lookup.SubTable: if isinstance(subtable, LigatureSubst): for firstGlyph in subtable.ligatures.keys(): all_ligatures[firstGlyph] = [] for lig in subtable.ligatures[firstGlyph]: if ( lig.Component not in all_ligatures[firstGlyph] ): all_ligatures[firstGlyph].append( lig.Component ) return all_ligatures except (AttributeError, IndexError): return -1 # Indicate fontTools-related crash...
[docs]@condition def ligature_glyphs(ttFont): from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otTables import LigatureSubst all_ligature_glyphs = [] try: if "GSUB" in ttFont and ttFont["GSUB"].table.LookupList: for record in ttFont["GSUB"].table.FeatureList.FeatureRecord: if record.FeatureTag == "liga": for index in record.Feature.LookupListIndex: lookup = ttFont["GSUB"].table.LookupList.Lookup[index] for subtable in lookup.SubTable: if isinstance(subtable, LigatureSubst): for firstGlyph in subtable.ligatures.keys(): for lig in subtable.ligatures[firstGlyph]: if lig.LigGlyph not in all_ligature_glyphs: all_ligature_glyphs.append(lig.LigGlyph) return all_ligature_glyphs except (AttributeError, IndexError): return -1 # Indicate fontTools-related crash...
[docs]@condition def glyph_metrics_stats(ttFont): """Returns a dict containing whether the font seems_monospaced, what's the maximum glyph width and what's the most common width. For a font to be considered monospaced, if at least 80% of ASCII characters have glyphs, then at least 80% of those must have the same width, otherwise all glyphs of printable characters must have one of two widths or be zero-width. """ glyph_metrics = ttFont["hmtx"].metrics # NOTE: `range(a, b)` includes `a` and does not include `b`. # Here we don't include 0-31 as well as 127 # because these are control characters. ascii_glyph_names = [ ttFont.getBestCmap()[c] for c in range(32, 127) if c in ttFont.getBestCmap() ] if len(ascii_glyph_names) > 0.8 * (127 - 32): ascii_widths = [ adv for name, (adv, lsb) in glyph_metrics.items() if name in ascii_glyph_names and adv != 0 ] ascii_width_count = Counter(ascii_widths) ascii_most_common_width = ascii_width_count.most_common(1)[0][1] seems_monospaced = ascii_most_common_width >= len(ascii_widths) * 0.8 else: from fontTools import unicodedata # Collect relevant glyphs. relevant_glyph_names = set() # Add character glyphs that are in one of these categories: # Letter, Mark, Number, Punctuation, Symbol, Space_Separator. # This excludes Line_Separator, Paragraph_Separator and Control. for value, name in ttFont.getBestCmap().items(): if unicodedata.category(chr(value)).startswith( ("L", "M", "N", "P", "S", "Zs") ): relevant_glyph_names.add(name) # Remove character glyphs that are mark glyphs. gdef = ttFont.get("GDEF") if gdef and gdef.table.GlyphClassDef: marks = { name for name, c in gdef.table.GlyphClassDef.classDefs.items() if c == 3 } relevant_glyph_names.difference_update(marks) widths = sorted( { adv for name, (adv, lsb) in glyph_metrics.items() if name in relevant_glyph_names and adv != 0 } ) seems_monospaced = len(widths) <= 2 width_max = max(adv for k, (adv, lsb) in glyph_metrics.items()) most_common_width = Counter( [g for g in glyph_metrics.values() if g[0] != 0] ).most_common(1)[0][0][0] return { "seems_monospaced": seems_monospaced, "width_max": width_max, "most_common_width": most_common_width, }
[docs]@condition def missing_whitespace_chars(ttFont): from fontbakery.utils import get_glyph_name space = get_glyph_name(ttFont, 0x0020) nbsp = get_glyph_name(ttFont, 0x00A0) # tab = get_glyph_name(ttFont, 0x0009) missing = [] if space is None: missing.append("0x0020") if nbsp is None: missing.append("0x00A0") # fonts probably don't need an actual tab char # if tab is None: missing.append("0x0009") return missing
[docs]@condition def vmetrics(ttFonts): from fontbakery.utils import get_bounding_box v_metrics = {"ymin": 0, "ymax": 0} for ttFont in ttFonts: font_ymin, font_ymax = get_bounding_box(ttFont) v_metrics["ymin"] = min(font_ymin, v_metrics["ymin"]) v_metrics["ymax"] = max(font_ymax, v_metrics["ymax"]) return v_metrics
[docs]@condition def is_hinted(ttFont): return "fpgm" in ttFont
[docs]@condition def is_variable_font(ttFont): return "fvar" in ttFont.keys()
[docs]@condition def VFs(ttFonts): """Returns a list of font files which are recognized as variable fonts""" return [ttFont for ttFont in ttFonts if is_variable_font(ttFont)]
[docs]@condition def slnt_axis(ttFont): if "fvar" in ttFont: for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if axis.axisTag == "slnt": return axis
[docs]@condition def opsz_axis(ttFont): if "fvar" in ttFont: for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if axis.axisTag == "opsz": return axis
[docs]@condition def ital_axis(ttFont): if "fvar" in ttFont: for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if axis.axisTag == "ital": return axis
[docs]@condition def grad_axis(ttFont): if "fvar" in ttFont: for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if axis.axisTag == "GRAD": return axis
[docs]def get_axis_tags_set(ttFont): return set(axis.axisTag for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes)
[docs]@condition def has_wght_axis(ttFont): if is_variable_font(ttFont) and "wght" in get_axis_tags_set(ttFont): return True
[docs]@condition def has_wdth_axis(ttFont): if is_variable_font(ttFont) and "wdth" in get_axis_tags_set(ttFont): return True
[docs]@condition def has_slnt_axis(ttFont): if is_variable_font(ttFont) and "slnt" in get_axis_tags_set(ttFont): return True
[docs]@condition def has_ital_axis(ttFont): if is_variable_font(ttFont) and "ital" in get_axis_tags_set(ttFont): return True
[docs]@condition def has_opsz_axis(ttFont): if is_variable_font(ttFont) and "opsz" in get_axis_tags_set(ttFont): return True
[docs]def get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, instance_name, axis_tag): if not is_variable_font(ttFont): return None instance = None for i in ttFont["fvar"].instances: name = ttFont["name"].getDebugName(i.subfamilyNameID) if name == instance_name: instance = i break if instance: for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if axis.axisTag == axis_tag: return instance.coordinates[axis_tag]
[docs]@condition def regular_wght_coord(ttFont): upright = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Regular", "wght") italic = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Italic", "wght") # Note: you cannot simply do `return upright or italic` since `0 or None` # will return None in Python. return upright if upright is not None else italic
[docs]@condition def default_wght_coord(ttFont): for a in ttFont["fvar"].axes: if a.axisTag == "wght": return a.defaultValue
[docs]@condition def bold_wght_coord(ttFont): upright = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Bold", "wght") italic = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Bold Italic", "wght") # Note: you cannot simply do `return upright or italic` since `0 or None` # will return None in Python. return upright if upright is not None else italic
[docs]@condition def regular_wdth_coord(ttFont): upright = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Regular", "wdth") italic = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Italic", "wdth") # Note: you cannot simply do `return upright or italic` since `0 or None` # will return None in Python. return upright if upright is not None else italic
[docs]@condition def regular_slnt_coord(ttFont): return get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Regular", "slnt")
[docs]@condition def regular_ital_coord(ttFont): return get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Regular", "ital")
[docs]@condition def regular_opsz_coord(ttFont): upright = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Regular", "opsz") italic = get_instance_axis_value(ttFont, "Italic", "opsz") # Note: you cannot simply do `return upright or italic` since `0 or None` # will return None in Python. return upright if upright is not None else italic
[docs]@condition def vtt_talk_sources(ttFont) -> List[str]: """Return the tags of VTT source tables found in a font.""" VTT_SOURCE_TABLES = {"TSI0", "TSI1", "TSI2", "TSI3", "TSI5"} tables_found = [tag for tag in ttFont.keys() if tag in VTT_SOURCE_TABLES] return tables_found
[docs]@condition def preferred_cmap(ttFont): from fontbakery.utils import get_preferred_cmap return get_preferred_cmap(ttFont)
[docs]@condition def unicoderange(ttFont): """Get an integer bitmap representing the UnicodeRange fields in the os/2 table.""" os2 = ttFont["OS/2"] return ( os2.ulUnicodeRange1 | os2.ulUnicodeRange2 << 32 | os2.ulUnicodeRange3 << 64 | os2.ulUnicodeRange4 << 96 )
[docs]@condition def is_claiming_to_be_cjk_font(ttFont): """Test font object to confirm that it meets our definition of a CJK font file. We do this in two ways: in some cases, we are testing the *metadata*, i.e. what the font claims about itself, in which case the definition is met if any of the following conditions are True: 1. The font has a CJK code page bit set in the OS/2 table 2. The font has a CJK Unicode range bit set in the OS/2 table See below for another way of testing this. """ from fontbakery.constants import ( CJK_CODEPAGE_BITS, CJK_UNICODE_RANGE_BITS, ) if not has_os2_table(ttFont): return os2 = ttFont["OS/2"] # OS/2 code page checks for _, bit in CJK_CODEPAGE_BITS.items(): if os2.ulCodePageRange1 & (1 << bit): return True # OS/2 Unicode range checks for _, bit in CJK_UNICODE_RANGE_BITS.items(): if bit in range(0, 32): if os2.ulUnicodeRange1 & (1 << bit): return True elif bit in range(32, 64): if os2.ulUnicodeRange2 & (1 << (bit - 32)): return True elif bit in range(64, 96): if os2.ulUnicodeRange3 & (1 << (bit - 64)): return True # default, return False if the above checks did not identify a CJK font return False
[docs]@condition def is_cjk_font(ttFont): """ The `is_claiming_to_be_cjk_font` condition looks up the font's metadata to see if it is claiming to be a CJK font. But the metadata may be wrong, and the correctness of the metadata is something what we want to check! We also want to know if the font really is a CJK font, i.e. it contains a significant number of CJK characters. We say that *this* definition is met if the font has more than 150 CJK Unicode code points defined in the cmap table. """ return len(get_cjk_glyphs(ttFont)) > 150
[docs]@condition def get_cjk_glyphs(ttFont): """Return all glyphs which belong to a CJK unicode block""" from fontbakery.constants import CJK_UNICODE_RANGES results = [] cjk_unicodes = set() for start, end in CJK_UNICODE_RANGES: cjk_unicodes |= set(u for u in range(start, end + 1)) for uni, glyph_name in ttFont.getBestCmap().items(): if uni in cjk_unicodes: results.append(glyph_name) return results
[docs]@condition def typo_metrics_enabled(ttFont): return ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & 0b10000000 > 0
[docs]@condition def is_indic_font(ttFont): INDIC_FONT_DETECTION_CODEPOINTS = [ 0x0988, # Bengali 0x0908, # Devanagari 0x0A88, # Gujarati 0x0A08, # Gurmukhi 0x0D08, # Kannada 0x0B08, # Malayalam 0xABC8, # Meetei Mayek 0x1C58, # OlChiki 0x0B08, # Oriya 0x0B88, # Tamil 0x0C08, # Telugu ] font_codepoints = ttFont["cmap"].getBestCmap().keys() for codepoint in INDIC_FONT_DETECTION_CODEPOINTS: if codepoint in font_codepoints: return True # otherwise: return False
[docs]def keyword_in_full_font_name(ttFont, keyword): from fontbakery.constants import NameID for entry in ttFont["name"].names: if ( entry.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME and keyword in entry.string.decode(entry.getEncoding()).lower().split() ): return True return False
[docs]@condition def is_italic(ttFont): from fontbakery.constants import FsSelection, MacStyle return ( ("OS/2" in ttFont and ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & FsSelection.ITALIC) or ("head" in ttFont and ttFont["head"].macStyle & MacStyle.ITALIC) or keyword_in_full_font_name(ttFont, "italic") or ("post" in ttFont and ttFont["post"].italicAngle) )
[docs]@condition def is_bold(ttFont): from fontbakery.constants import FsSelection, MacStyle return ( ("OS/2" in ttFont and ttFont["OS/2"].fsSelection & FsSelection.BOLD) or ("head" in ttFont and ttFont["head"].macStyle & MacStyle.BOLD) or keyword_in_full_font_name(ttFont, "bold") )