Source code for fontbakery.profiles.fvar

from fontbakery.callable import check
from fontbakery.constants import REGISTERED_AXIS_TAGS
from fontbakery.status import FAIL, PASS, WARN, SKIP
from fontbakery.message import Message

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

profile_imports = ((".", ("shared_conditions",)),)

[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'wght' available at If a variable font has a 'wght' (Weight) axis, then the coordinate of its 'Regular' instance is required to be 400. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_wght_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_regular_wght_coord(ttFont, regular_wght_coord): """The variable font 'wght' (Weight) axis coordinate must be 400 on the 'Regular' instance.""" if regular_wght_coord is None: yield FAIL, Message("no-regular-instance", '"Regular" instance not present.') elif regular_wght_coord == 400: yield PASS, "Regular:wght is 400." else: yield FAIL, Message( "wght-not-400", f'The "wght" axis coordinate of' f' the "Regular" instance must be 400.' f" Got {regular_wght_coord} instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'wdth' available at If a variable font has a 'wdth' (Width) axis, then the coordinate of its 'Regular' instance is required to be 100. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_wdth_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_regular_wdth_coord(ttFont, regular_wdth_coord): """ The variable font 'wdth' (Width) axis coordinate must be 100 on the 'Regular' instance. """ if regular_wdth_coord is None: yield FAIL, Message("no-regular-instance", '"Regular" instance not present.') elif regular_wdth_coord == 100: yield PASS, "Regular:wdth is 100." else: yield FAIL, Message( "wdth-not-100", f'The "wdth" axis coordinate of' f' the "Regular" instance must be 100.' f" Got {regular_wdth_coord} as a default value instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'slnt' available at If a variable font has a 'slnt' (Slant) axis, then the coordinate of its 'Regular' instance is required to be zero. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_slnt_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_regular_slnt_coord(ttFont, regular_slnt_coord): """ The variable font 'slnt' (Slant) axis coordinate must be zero on the 'Regular' instance. """ if regular_slnt_coord is None: yield FAIL, Message("no-regular-instance", '"Regular" instance not present.') elif regular_slnt_coord == 0: yield PASS, "Regular:slnt is zero." else: yield FAIL, Message( "slnt-not-0", f'The "slnt" axis coordinate of' f' the "Regular" instance must be zero.' f" Got {regular_slnt_coord} as a default value instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'ital' available at If a variable font has a 'ital' (Italic) axis, then the coordinate of its 'Regular' instance is required to be zero. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_ital_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_regular_ital_coord(ttFont, regular_ital_coord): """ The variable font 'ital' (Italic) axis coordinate must be zero on the 'Regular' instance. """ if regular_ital_coord is None: yield FAIL, Message("no-regular-instance", '"Regular" instance not present.') elif regular_ital_coord == 0: yield PASS, "Regular:ital is zero." else: yield FAIL, Message( "ital-not-0", f'The "ital" axis coordinate of' f' the "Regular" instance must be zero.' f" Got {regular_ital_coord} as a default value instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'opsz' available at If a variable font has an 'opsz' (Optical Size) axis, then the coordinate of its 'Regular' instance is recommended to be a value in the range 10 to 16. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_opsz_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_regular_opsz_coord(ttFont, regular_opsz_coord): """ The variable font 'opsz' (Optical Size) axis coordinate should be between 10 and 16 on the 'Regular' instance. """ if regular_opsz_coord is None: yield FAIL, Message("no-regular-instance", '"Regular" instance not present.') elif regular_opsz_coord >= 10 and regular_opsz_coord <= 16: yield PASS, f"Regular:opsz coordinate ({regular_opsz_coord}) looks good." else: yield WARN, Message( "opsz-out-of-range", f'The "opsz" (Optical Size) coordinate' f' on the "Regular" instance is recommended' f" to be a value in the range 10 to 16." f" Got {regular_opsz_coord} instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" The Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'wght' available at does not specify a required value for the 'Bold' instance of a variable font. But Dave Crossland suggested that we should enforce a required value of 700 in this case (NOTE: a distinction is made between "no bold instance present" vs "bold instance is present but its wght coordinate is not == 700"). """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_wght_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_bold_wght_coord(ttFont, bold_wght_coord): """ The variable font 'wght' (Weight) axis coordinate must be 700 on the 'Bold' instance. """ if bold_wght_coord is None: yield FAIL, Message("no-bold-instance", '"Bold" instance not present.') elif bold_wght_coord == 700: yield PASS, "Bold:wght is 700." else: yield FAIL, Message( "wght-not-700", f'The "wght" axis coordinate of' f' the "Bold" instance must be 700.' f" Got {bold_wght_coord} instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'wght' available at On the 'wght' (Weight) axis, the valid coordinate range is 1-1000. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_wght_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_wght_valid_range(ttFont): """The variable font 'wght' (Weight) axis coordinate must be within spec range of 1 to 1000 on all instances.""" passed = True for instance in ttFont["fvar"].instances: if "wght" in instance.coordinates: value = instance.coordinates["wght"] if value < 1 or value > 1000: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "wght-out-of-range", f'Found a bad "wght" coordinate with value {value}' f" outside of the valid range from 1 to 1000.", ) break if passed: yield PASS, "OK"
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's registered design-variation tag 'wdth' available at On the 'wdth' (Width) axis, the valid numeric range is strictly greater than zero. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_wdth_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_wdth_valid_range(ttFont): """The variable font 'wdth' (Width) axis coordinate must strictly greater than zero.""" passed = True for instance in ttFont["fvar"].instances: if "wdth" in instance.coordinates: value = instance.coordinates["wdth"] if value < 1: passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "wdth-out-of-range", f'Found a bad "wdth" coordinate with value {value}' f" outside of the valid range (> 0).", ) break if value > 1000: yield WARN, Message( "wdth-greater-than-1000", f'Found a "wdth" coordinate with value {value}' f" which is valid but unusual.", ) break if passed: yield PASS, "OK"
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" The OpenType spec says at that: [...] the scale for the Slant axis is interpreted as the angle of slant in counter-clockwise degrees from upright. This means that a typical, right-leaning oblique design will have a negative slant value. This matches the scale used for the italicAngle field in the post table. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_slnt_axis"], proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_varfont_slnt_range(ttFont, slnt_axis): """The variable font 'slnt' (Slant) axis coordinate specifies positive values in its range?""" if slnt_axis.minValue < 0 and slnt_axis.maxValue >= 0: yield PASS, "Looks good!" else: yield WARN, Message( "unusual-slnt-range", f'The range of values for the "slnt" axis in' f" this font only allows positive coordinates" f" (from {slnt_axis.minValue} to {slnt_axis.maxValue})," f" indicating that this may be a back slanted design," f" which is rare. If that's not the case, then" f' the "slant" axis should be a range of' f" negative values instead.", )
[docs]@check( id="com.typenetwork/check/varfont/ital_range", rationale=""" The OpenType spec says at that: [...] Valid numeric range: Values must be in the range 0 to 1. """, conditions=["is_variable_font", "has_ital_axis"], experimental="Since 2024/Jan/12", ) def com_typenetwork_check_varfont_ital_range(ttFont, ital_axis): """The variable font 'ital' (Italic) axis coordinates is in a valid range?""" if ital_axis.minValue == 0 and ital_axis.maxValue == 1: yield PASS, "Looks good!" else: yield FAIL, Message( "invalid-ital-range", f'The range of values for the "ital" axis in' f" this font is {ital_axis.minValue} to {ital_axis.maxValue}." f" Italic axis range must be 0 to 1, " f" where Roman is 0 and Italic 1." f" If you prefer a bigger variation range consider using" f' "Slant" axis instead of "Italic".', )
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/valid_axis_nameid", rationale=""" According to the 'fvar' documentation in OpenType spec v1.9 The axisNameID field provides a name ID that can be used to obtain strings from the 'name' table that can be used to refer to the axis in application user interfaces. The name ID must be greater than 255 and less than 32768. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_valid_axis_nameid(ttFont, has_name_table): """Validates that the value of axisNameID used by each VariationAxisRecord is greater than 255 and less than 32768.""" if not has_name_table: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-table", "Font lacks 'name' table.") return passed = True name_table = ttFont["name"] font_axis_nameids = [axis.axisNameID for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes] invalid_axis_nameids = [val for val in font_axis_nameids if not (255 < val < 32768)] for nameid in invalid_axis_nameids: inst_name = name_table.getDebugName(nameid) or "Unnamed" yield FAIL, Message( f"invalid-axis-nameid:{nameid}", f"{inst_name!r} instance has an axisNameID value that" " is not greater than 255 and less than 32768.", ) passed = False if passed: yield PASS, "All axisNameID values are valid."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/valid_subfamily_nameid", rationale=""" According to the 'fvar' documentation in OpenType spec v1.9 The subfamilyNameID field provides a name ID that can be used to obtain strings from the 'name' table that can be treated as equivalent to name ID 17 (typographic subfamily) strings for the given instance. Values of 2 or 17 can be used; otherwise, values must be greater than 255 and less than 32768. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_valid_subfamily_nameid(ttFont, has_name_table): """Validates that the value of subfamilyNameID used by each InstanceRecord is 2, 17, or greater than 255 and less than 32768.""" if not has_name_table: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-table", "Font lacks 'name' table.") return passed = True name_table = ttFont["name"] font_subfam_nameids = [inst.subfamilyNameID for inst in ttFont["fvar"].instances] invalid_subfam_nameids = [ val for val in font_subfam_nameids if not (255 < val < 32768) and val not in {2, 17} ] for nameid in invalid_subfam_nameids: inst_name = name_table.getDebugName(nameid) or "Unnamed" yield FAIL, Message( f"invalid-subfamily-nameid:{nameid}", f"{inst_name!r} instance has a subfamilyNameID value that" " is neither 2, 17, or greater than 255 and less than 32768.", ) passed = False if passed: yield PASS, "All subfamilyNameID values are valid."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/valid_postscript_nameid", rationale=""" According to the 'fvar' documentation in OpenType spec v1.9 The postScriptNameID field provides a name ID that can be used to obtain strings from the 'name' table that can be treated as equivalent to name ID 6 (PostScript name) strings for the given instance. Values of 6 and 0xFFFF can be used; otherwise, values must be greater than 255 and less than 32768. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_valid_postscript_nameid(ttFont, has_name_table): """Validates that the value of postScriptNameID used by each InstanceRecord is 6, 0xFFFF, or greater than 255 and less than 32768.""" if not has_name_table: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-table", "Font lacks 'name' table.") return passed = True name_table = ttFont["name"] font_postscript_nameids = [ inst.postscriptNameID for inst in ttFont["fvar"].instances ] invalid_postscript_nameids = [ val for val in font_postscript_nameids if not (255 < val < 32768) and val not in {6, 0xFFFF} ] for nameid in invalid_postscript_nameids: inst_name = name_table.getDebugName(nameid) or "Unnamed" yield FAIL, Message( f"invalid-postscript-nameid:{nameid}", f"{inst_name!r} instance has a postScriptNameID value that" " is neither 6, 0xFFFF, or greater than 255 and less than 32768.", ) passed = False if passed: yield PASS, "All postScriptNameID values are valid."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/valid_default_instance_nameids", rationale=""" According to the 'fvar' documentation in OpenType spec v1.9.1 The default instance of a font is that instance for which the coordinate value of each axis is the defaultValue specified in the corresponding variation axis record. An instance record is not required for the default instance, though an instance record can be provided. When enumerating named instances, the default instance should be enumerated even if there is no corresponding instance record. If an instance record is included for the default instance (that is, an instance record has coordinates set to default values), then the nameID value should be set to either 2 or 17 or to a name ID with the same value as name ID 2 or 17. Also, if a postScriptNameID is included in instance records, and the postScriptNameID value should be set to 6 or to a name ID with the same value as name ID 6. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_valid_default_instance_nameids( ttFont, has_name_table ): """Validates that when an instance record is included for the default instance, its subfamilyNameID value is set to a name ID whose string is equal to the string of either name ID 2 or 17, and its postScriptNameID value is set to a name ID whose string is equal to the string of name ID 6.""" if not has_name_table: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-table", "Font lacks 'name' table.") return passed = True name_table = ttFont["name"] fvar_table = ttFont["fvar"] font_includes_ps_nameid = any( inst.postscriptNameID != 0xFFFF for inst in fvar_table.instances ) axes_dflt_coords = {axis.axisTag: axis.defaultValue for axis in fvar_table.axes} name2 = name_table.getDebugName(2) name6 = name_table.getDebugName(6) name17 = name_table.getDebugName(17) font_subfam_name = name17 or name2 for i, inst in enumerate(fvar_table.instances, 1): inst_coords = dict(inst.coordinates.items()) # The instance record has the same coordinates as the default instance if inst_coords == axes_dflt_coords: subfam_nameid = inst.subfamilyNameID subfam_name = name_table.getDebugName(subfam_nameid) or f"Instance #{i}" postscript_nameid = inst.postscriptNameID postscript_name = name_table.getDebugName(postscript_nameid) or "None" # Special handle the 0xFFFF case, to avoid displaying the value as 65535 if postscript_nameid == 0xFFFF: postscript_nameid = "0xFFFF" if subfam_name != font_subfam_name: yield FAIL, Message( "invalid-default-instance-subfamily-name", f"{subfam_name!r} instance has the same coordinates as the default" f" instance; its subfamily name should be {font_subfam_name!r}", ) passed = False # Validate the postScriptNameID string only if # at least one instance record includes it if font_includes_ps_nameid and postscript_name != name6: yield FAIL, Message( "invalid-default-instance-postscript-name", f"{subfam_name!r} instance has the same coordinates as the default" f" instance; its postscript name should be {name6!r}, instead of" f" {postscript_name!r}.", ) passed = False if passed: yield PASS, "All default instance name strings are valid."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/same_size_instance_records", rationale=""" According to the 'fvar' documentation in OpenType spec v1.9 All of the instance records in a given font must be the same size, with all either including or omitting the postScriptNameID field. [...] If the value is 0xFFFF, then the value is ignored, and no PostScript name equivalent is provided for the instance. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_same_size_instance_records(ttFont): """Validates that all of the instance records in a given font have the same size.""" if not ttFont["fvar"].instances: return SKIP, Message("no-instance-records", "Font has no instance records.") font_ps_nameids_not_provided = set( inst.postscriptNameID == 0xFFFF for inst in ttFont["fvar"].instances ) # 'font_ps_nameids_not_provided' is a set whose values can only be # {True}, {False}, or {True, False}. So if the size of the set is not 1, # it means that some instance records have postscriptNameID values while # others do not. if len(font_ps_nameids_not_provided) != 1: return FAIL, Message( "different-size-instance-records", "Instance records don't all have the same size.", ) return PASS, "All instance records have the same size."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/distinct_instance_records", rationale=""" According to the 'fvar' documentation in OpenType spec v1.9 All of the instance records in a font should have distinct coordinates and distinct subfamilyNameID and postScriptName ID values. If two or more records share the same coordinates, the same nameID values or the same postScriptNameID values, then all but the first can be ignored. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_distinct_instance_records(ttFont, has_name_table): """Validates that all of the instance records in a given font have distinct data.""" if not has_name_table: yield FAIL, Message("lacks-table", "Font lacks 'name' table.") return passed = True name_table = ttFont["name"] unique_inst_recs = set() for i, inst in enumerate(ttFont["fvar"].instances, 1): inst_coords = list(inst.coordinates.items()) inst_subfam_nameid = inst.subfamilyNameID inst_postscript_nameid = inst.postscriptNameID inst_data = (tuple(inst_coords), inst_subfam_nameid, inst_postscript_nameid) if inst_data not in unique_inst_recs: unique_inst_recs.add(inst_data) else: # non-unique instance was found inst_name = name_table.getDebugName(inst_subfam_nameid) if inst_name is None: inst_name = f"Instance #{i}" yield WARN, Message( f"repeated-instance-record:{inst_name}", f"{inst_name!r} is a repeated instance record.", ) passed = False if passed: yield PASS, "All instance records are distinct."
[docs]@check( id="com.adobe.fonts/check/varfont/foundry_defined_tag_name", rationale=""" According to the Open-Type spec's syntactic requirements for foundry-defined design-variation axis tags available at Foundry-defined tags must begin with an uppercase letter and must use only uppercase letters or digits. """, conditions=["is_variable_font"], proposal="", ) def com_adobe_fonts_check_varfont_foundry_defined_tag_name(ttFont): "Validate foundry-defined design-variation axis tag names." passed = True for axis in ttFont["fvar"].axes: axisTag = axis.axisTag if axisTag in REGISTERED_AXIS_TAGS: continue if axisTag.lower() in REGISTERED_AXIS_TAGS: yield WARN, Message( "foundry-defined-similar-registered-name", f'Foundry-defined tag "{axisTag}" is very similar to' f' registered tag "{axisTag.lower()}", consider renaming.\n' f"If this tag was meant to be a registered tag, please" f" use all lowercase letters in the tag name.", ) firstChar = ord(axisTag[0]) if not (firstChar >= ord("A") and firstChar <= ord("Z")): passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "invalid-foundry-defined-tag-first-letter", f'Please fix axis tag "{axisTag}".\n' f"Foundry-defined tags must begin with an uppercase letter.", ) for i in range(3): char = ord(axisTag[1 + i]) if not ( (char >= ord("0") and char <= ord("9")) or (char >= ord("A") and char <= ord("Z")) ): passed = False yield FAIL, Message( "invalid-foundry-defined-tag-chars", f'Please fix axis tag "{axisTag}".\n' f"Foundry-defined tags must only use" f" uppercase or digits.", ) if passed: yield PASS, f"Axis tag '{axisTag}' looks good."