Source code for fontbakery.profiles.gdef

from fontbakery.callable import check
from fontbakery.status import PASS, WARN, SKIP
from fontbakery.message import Message

# used to inform get_module_profile whether and how to create a profile
from fontbakery.fonts_profile import profile_factory  # noqa:F401 pylint:disable=W0611

def _is_non_spacing_mark_char(charcode):
    from fontTools import unicodedata

    category = unicodedata.category(chr(charcode))
    if category.startswith("C"):
        # skip control characters
        return None
        # Non spacing marks either have the Unicode General_category:
        # Mn, Nonspacing_Mark
        # Me, Enclosing_Mark
        # Characters with the category Mc, Spacing_Mark should not be considered
        # as non spacing marks.
        return category in ("Mn", "Me")

def _get_mark_class_glyphnames(ttFont):
    from fontbakery.constants import GlyphClass

    class_defs = ttFont["GDEF"].table.GlyphClassDef.classDefs.items()
    return {name for (name, value) in class_defs if value == GlyphClass.MARK}

[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" Glyphs in the GDEF mark glyph class should be non-spacing. Spacing glyphs in the GDEF mark glyph class may have incorrect anchor positioning that was only intended for building composite glyphs during design. """, proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_gdef_spacing_marks(ttFont, config): """Check glyphs in mark glyph class are non-spacing.""" from fontbakery.utils import pretty_print_list if "GDEF" in ttFont and ttFont["GDEF"].table.GlyphClassDef: spacing_glyphnames = { name for (name, (width, lsb)) in ttFont["hmtx"].metrics.items() if width > 0 } mark_class_glyphnames = _get_mark_class_glyphnames(ttFont) spacing_glyphnames_in_mark_glyph_class = ( spacing_glyphnames & mark_class_glyphnames ) if spacing_glyphnames_in_mark_glyph_class: cmap = ttFont["cmap"].getBestCmap() glyphs = [ f"{glyphname} (U+{codepoint:04X})" for codepoint, glyphname in cmap.items() if glyphname in spacing_glyphnames_in_mark_glyph_class ] glyphs += [ f"{glyphname} (unencoded)" for glyphname in spacing_glyphnames_in_mark_glyph_class if glyphname not in cmap.values() ] formatted_list = "\t " + pretty_print_list(config, sorted(glyphs), sep=", ") yield WARN, Message( "spacing-mark-glyphs", f"The following spacing glyphs may be in" f" the GDEF mark glyph class by mistake:\n" f"{formatted_list}", ) else: yield PASS, ( "Font does not has spacing glyphs in the GDEF mark glyph class." ) else: yield SKIP, ( 'Font does not declare an optional "GDEF" table' " or has any GDEF glyph class definition." )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" Mark characters should be in the GDEF mark glyph class. """, proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_gdef_mark_chars(ttFont, config): """Check mark characters are in GDEF mark glyph class.""" from fontbakery.utils import pretty_print_list if "GDEF" in ttFont and ttFont["GDEF"].table.GlyphClassDef: cmap = ttFont.getBestCmap() mark_class_glyphnames = _get_mark_class_glyphnames(ttFont) mark_chars_not_in_mark_class = { charcode for charcode in cmap if _is_non_spacing_mark_char(charcode) is True and cmap[charcode] not in mark_class_glyphnames } if mark_chars_not_in_mark_class: formatted_marks = "\t " + pretty_print_list( config, sorted(f"{cmap[c]} (U+{c:04X})" for c in mark_chars_not_in_mark_class), sep=", ", ) yield WARN, Message( "mark-chars", f"The following mark characters could be" f" in the GDEF mark glyph class:\n" f"{formatted_marks}", ) else: yield PASS, ( "Font does not have mark characters" " not in the GDEF mark glyph class." ) else: yield SKIP, ( 'Font does not declare an optional "GDEF" table' " or has any GDEF glyph class definition." )
[docs]@check( id="", rationale=""" Glyphs in the GDEF mark glyph class become non-spacing and may be repositioned if they have mark anchors. Only combining mark glyphs should be in that class. Any non-mark glyph must not be in that class, in particular spacing glyphs. """, proposal="", ) def com_google_fonts_check_gdef_non_mark_chars(ttFont, config): """Check GDEF mark glyph class doesn't have characters that are not marks.""" from fontbakery.utils import pretty_print_list if "GDEF" in ttFont and ttFont["GDEF"].table.GlyphClassDef: cmap = ttFont.getBestCmap() nonmark_chars = { charcode for charcode in cmap if _is_non_spacing_mark_char(charcode) is False } nonmark_char_glyphnames = {cmap[c] for c in nonmark_chars} glyphname_to_char_mapping = {} for k, v in cmap.items(): if v in glyphname_to_char_mapping: glyphname_to_char_mapping[v].add(k) else: glyphname_to_char_mapping[v] = {k} mark_class_glyphnames = _get_mark_class_glyphnames(ttFont) nonmark_char_glyphnames_in_mark_class = ( nonmark_char_glyphnames & mark_class_glyphnames ) if nonmark_char_glyphnames_in_mark_class: nonmark_chars_in_mark_class = set() for glyphname in nonmark_char_glyphnames_in_mark_class: chars = glyphname_to_char_mapping[glyphname] for char in chars: if char in nonmark_chars: nonmark_chars_in_mark_class.add(char) formatted_nonmarks = "\t " + pretty_print_list( config, sorted("U+%04X" % c for c in nonmark_chars_in_mark_class), sep=", ", ) yield WARN, Message( "non-mark-chars", f"The following non-mark characters should" f" not be in the GDEF mark glyph class:\n" f"{formatted_nonmarks}", ) else: yield PASS, ( "Font does not have non-mark characters" " in the GDEF mark glyph class." ) else: yield SKIP, ( 'Font does not declare an optional "GDEF" table' " or has any GDEF glyph class definition." )