

Make sure all font files have the same version value.

Legacy check originally simply called ‘check/014’. We used to lack richer metadata back in 2015. We’re open to further improvements to this description.


Checking font version fields (head and name table).

Legacy check originally simply called ‘check/044’. We used to lack richer metadata back in 2015. We’re open to further improvements to this description.


Checking head.macStyle value.


The values of the flags on the macStyle entry on the ‘head’ OpenType table that describe whether a font is bold and/or italic must be coherent with the actual style of the font as inferred by its filename.

Legacy check originally simply called ‘check/131’. We used to lack richer metadata back in 2015. We’re open to further improvements to this description.


Checking unitsPerEm value is reasonable.


According to the OpenType spec:

The value of unitsPerEm at the head table must be a value between 16 and 16384. Any value in this range is valid.

In fonts that have TrueType outlines, a power of 2 is recommended as this allows performance optimizations in some rasterizers.

But 1000 is a commonly used value. And 2000 may become increasingly more common on Variable Fonts.

Legacy check originally simply called ‘check/043’. We used to lack richer metadata back in 2015. We’re open to further improvements to this description.

fontbakery.profiles.head.parse_version_string(name: str) float[source][source]

Parse a version string (name ID 5) as a decimal and return as fractions.Fraction.

Example of the expected format: ‘Version 01.003; Comments’. Version strings like “Version 1.300” will be post-processed into Fraction(13, 10). The parsed version numbers will therefore match as numbers, but not necessarily in string form.